Thursday, January 28, 2010

Surprised by God

Thanks for all your prayers. John is back at GF Strong and feeling better than he did. As I left him this evening he was just finishing up a massage with a massage therapy student and her instructor so he was definitely being well taken care of. This hospital stay had made both John and I very anxious about whether he would be up for his pacer surgery but without us even knowing our heavenly Father took care of that. There was no surgical space available so surgery is postponed until they can get an operating theatre. This relieves us immensely as it gives John time to be in better shape. Isn't God so good answering our concerns in ways we haven't considered!


  1. Thank you Father God....we ask you complete this good work you have started in John...Thank you that you provide for John's every need according to YOUR riches and glory....which we know to be abundant!

    Enjoy His great love for you John
    The Tanasiuks

  2. Good morning John and family.

    HE is our peace. HE has broken down every wall.


    Glad that you are feeling better.

  3. Praise God, and thank God John is okay and everything is going better...we continue to pray and send our love
    Don and Alexa

  4. So all in all, here is the proof again; it is wonderful to be in His hands. I am reminded again of psalm 91
