Monday, January 11, 2010

Pray without ceasing

This morning I awoke early because I had to go to the urology clinic in the Diamond centre by VGH. Before that there was blood work and not enough time for an EKG before we left. Even with the busyness there were waiting times which were opportunities to pray. I didn't take advantage of them all but Paul's admonishment in I Thess. 5:17 gives me something to fill up my day. I used to use an agenda that I wrote things to pray about and I miss that agenda. Now I have to rely on my memory to bring forth things to pray about which doesn't work well with my poor memory for names!


  1. Love your quote, and was thinking, pray without ceasing, so many in this world lack for so much..maybe when you can't remember the name pray for them...I am sure prayers from a good heart go further than any other. Praying for you and thanking you, because thanks to you I pray many times daily. You and your blog are making a difference for so many. With love
    Cousin Alexa

  2. Hi John and family:

    I remember reading a story about an elderly lady, who is the days of yore, was a daughter of a slave in a house of wealth in the southern States.

    She was asked how she felt about it and she said it was awful. She hated it and she hated the owners. I remember her saying that she' had a good hate on.'

    However, her mother said: " I am a slave to Christ and while these people are my human masters, HE is MY master."

    The lady being interviewed said that she would get so mad at her Mom for not rising up and brandishing the broom of rage. She said, that it was not until she, herself, gave her heart to Jesus, that what her mother said, made any sense.

    Sorry, lost the track of where I was going with this...other then when she asked her Mom how she got on during the day her Mom said: " Well, I make the breakfast and I pray for those eating it will gain sustinance. And then I do the laundry and I pray that the people wearing the clothes will be safe and then I make the morning break for the family and I pray that again, they will be nourished...' and so her day went. A constant prayer for all manner of things.

    And how her Mom didn't chafe against the hours of boredom or tedium because it gave her more of an opportunity to pray.

    I have never forgotten this story and now you have reminded me of it.

    Thank you. Praying should be the first thing always... but in my life it mostly isn't.


  3. Hi John,

    We're glad to hear things are going better. Tom told us all about the Christmas party and how you were driving the wheelchair. We miss you and LaVerne at Bible Study. Mark and I are bumping along here. We hope to visit the city around the 22nd and will come see you if it's convenient. All our love.
    Susan and Mark
