Monday, January 4, 2010

Surgery revisited

Today I visited Dr Kwon, the surgeon who fused the bones in my spine after my accident. He confirmed that the surgery went well and was successful in stabilizing my spine. Dr Kwon explained the surgery again and gave me a picture of the x-ray post surgery and the MRI from before the surgery so I saw where I was injured. This visit was my first outside GF Strong other than ambulance trips to VGH. I enjoyed the scenery outside but not the weather as it was raining. I got to practice with my chair in the lobby of the doctor's office building as it was large and clear of objects. My driving is improving each day.


  1. That's awesome John, your mobility sounds like great progress. Our prayers continue. Juhli.

  2. Really good to hear, getting out and about no matter where is sometimes the best medicine...take care...all to best to you all..Our Prayers and thoughts are with you and your recovery
    Alexa and Don
