Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Meeting, meetings, meetings

Today was a day filled with appointments for John. In the morning we met with the social worker assistant and filled out many forms for different applications. After lunch he saw the physio for an hour and then the occupational therapist for almost two hours. He was pretty tired by the time that was over. In the evening he went to his first BC Paraplegic Assn meeting. It went on for an hour and a half. When that was over Marsha and Andy came and visited and John was still ready to talk-I was amazed!


  1. Dear chatty John:

    Were you encouraged by the BC Paraplegic meeting?

    As for the forms from the social worker...... be encouraged... they were likely on paper from Powell River. :)

  2. Dale Carnegie said that "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." I am amazed at the wonder of your progress. Hugs

    Don and Alexa

  3. I can't help but share a wonderful quote (brought on by Don and Alexa's comment):

    Practice hope. As hopefulness becomes a habit, you can achieve a permanently happy spirit.

    John I think you have spent your life creating so may positive habits, the results of which are evident in your positive demanour and constant fight. We all admire you so much.

