Saturday, December 24, 2011

Under the Christmas Tree

Our tree with the Ministers Cat in the background
It is the day before Christmas, and I contemplate the gifts that Jesus has left under the tree for me. When He was born the angels proclaimed:
Luk 2:11  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Luk 2:14  Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
So, present 1 a Saviour, 2 peace, 3 God's good will. Then I thought of John 17 where Jesus prays for us:
Joh 17:20  Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
But, enough. Now it is your turn.
What Christmas present has Jesus given you?

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Twelve Prayers of Christmas | Kyria

 Update: I have been taking Tisanadene, a medication for spasms, that makes me very sleepy. I usually take it at lunch and then fall asleep at my computer when I want to work on my blog. So am cutting out the lunch dose and taking only 2 pills a day, breakfast and bedtime. Pray that I will be more awake in the afternoon and that my spasms wont increase.
Now, to the topic for today. The 12 days of Christmas are usually thought of as the days after Christmas leading to Epiphany. The  Twelve Prayers of Christmas, on the other hand, are a plan to bless someone on twelve days leading up to Christmas. Click on the link The Twelve Prayers of Christmas | Kyria  to read more.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

2. Truth

Truth is much more powerful than bombs and tanks and weapons.
This is a quote from John Stotts article. Our world is bereft of truth. Many are in despair of ever finding truth to base their lives on.
Jesus spoke about truth in praying for those who believe in him:
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.  (Joh 17:17)
The word sanctify is the key to this prayer. Part of the definition is to: set apart as holy. So the thing that sets Christians apart from the world is the truth found in Gods word. This is the solid rock that we base our lives on.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

1. Prayer

The first of the 4 ways John Stott says that Christians can influence the world is through prayer. I have always been tickled by a made up verse for the chorus I've Been Redeemed:
You can talk about me any time you please.
I'll talk about you, when I'm on my knees.
  A Biblical example of this is found in the life of the prophet Samuel. After Saul and the people had disobeyed Samuel his response was:
 (1Sa 12:23)  Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way:
My church is across the street from Kelly Creek Community School (K to 6). We have had a very cordial relation with the school over the years. Do we always agree with the school? No ... but, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for them.

If I were to invite all my neighbors (readers) to church this week it would be very difficult for me and them. But if I asked them if I could pray for them I think it would be easier for all of us.
So ... What can I pray for you? Email me with your prayer needs:
Till next time

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

John Stott: Four Ways Christians Can Influence the World | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

 John Stott died earlier this year.
Over the years I have enjoyed the thought of this Anglican practical theologian. His book, Basic Christianity, was a great influence on my early days as a Christian. Much later I attended Regent College and heard him speak. Regent Bookstore has a good selection of audio teaching by him.
I intend to look at each of Stott's four ways in future posts so read the article below. The first way is Prayer.

John Stott: Four Ways Christians Can Influence the World | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Keeping Fit?

Physical Fitness
Last month I attended a disability EXPO in Vancouver. There I saw a machine that will exercise my arms and legs, called APT. That stands for Active Passive Trainer.
Think of a stationary bicycle you might see in a gym. That is an Active Trainer. Now attach a motor to it to drive my feet, or hands, around and you have a Passive Trainer. Since my muscles do not to my command the P is for me.
I suggested to my care givers that they  could use my trainer in the active mode to get exercise. They said they would rather use the passive mode so they could go to sleep like I do, NOT TRUE!

Spiritual Fitness
I wanted to establish a Bible reading program to read the whole Bible in a year. I use a free Bible program called eSword. It has the capability for setting up a reading program, but it has to be set up by the user and you have to log in to access the reading. I call this Active Spiritual Training, AST.
Then I found a plan I call PST, Passive Spiritual Training. The Bible Gateway reading plans have the advantage of being pre set. I set my plan to send an email with the days reading and link to the reading online. This way I am directed to my reading daily.
Greetings to all,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Summer of 2011 roadtrip day one

Our road trip started on Friday September 2nd and we (Laverne, Maria and I) caught the first ferry to the island. This meant starting to get up at 6am to catch the ferry at 8:10am. The crossing was smooth as silk. Once on the Island we headed south on the old highway where at Fanny Bay we visited with Nonie, Laverne's sister, and her husband, Chris. They rented a cabin on the beach. They live in Calgary, but are considering retiring to Vancouver Island. It would be great to have them close by.
We then went back up Island to Campbell River where we caught the ferry to Quadra Island. We had a one sailing wait so ate lunch in the lineup. After the ferry trip and and a drive across Quadra we again had a one sailing wait for the Cortes Island ferry. While we waited we had dessert courtesy of the blackberry bushes beside the road. After crossing to Cortes Island we drove across the island to the Cortes Island Motel and so to bed.

Yes I have pictures but my computer is having issues so stay tuned.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Study Skills revived

This past week I ressurrected a study skills seminar I originally gave to the bridge watchman course at Malaspina University College (now Vancouver Island University). The husband of one of my caregivers is taking the same course at BCIT in North Vancouver and so I brushed off my notes and shared them with Darin.
They center around the idea that the tool for learning is the brain and the brains purpose is to answer questions. One of the best ways of doing this is the Cornell Note taking method.
If you are a student, parent or teacher might I suggest you check this out.Free pdf

Friday, July 22, 2011

Harry Potter finale

Last night I went to the movies, specifically Harry Potter The deathly hallows part 2. It was memorable for several reasons:
  1. We, Laverne, Maria and I went to the Patricia Theatre, the oldest running movie theatre in Canada. Check out their website for info and pics.
  2. There was a parking spot right at the front. Oh the joy of living in an accessible community.
  3. We sat right at the front as it was the best place for my wheelchair. I remember 15 cent Saturday Matinees in the Castlegar Theatre. All us kids would sit at the very front to be overwhelmed by the giant picture. It was like that we sat at the side and the centre section was packed with kids. I felt right at home.
  4. The price was right: 9 for adults and 5.50 for seniors, thats me.
  5. Oh, the movie. It was a treat. Sort of like the third Lord of the Rings movies, full of battles and despair and then a final turn and all is well. It was time to end it. The heroes look too old to be school kids. The kissing was more credible though.
Ending on a personal note: Have you noticed, Ive learned to make commas,,, next comes the apostrophe. Thanks for praying, my spasms are somewhat reduced. And I never fell asleep in Harry Potter . . . as if.
Keep up the good work.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Regent Radio

Over the years I attended many summer school sessions at Regent College at UBC. Now that attending in person is difficult I appreciate using my computer to access some courses on Regent Radio check it out. Here is what they say about themselves: is a free service sponsored by the Regent College Bookstore. You can support this ministry by purchasing titles from

On Regent Radio you have to take what they put on. But the price is right.

A personal note: I have been having a rough time with spasms, hi temps, and fatigue. Pray that I will get better.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A New Room

TWOTW is studio. This is the name I have given my new workspace.
I call it my studio because it is where I intend to be creative. Here is a quote that gets at what I mean:
The studio has become the crucible where human genius at the apogee of its development brings back to question not only that which is, but creates anew a fantastic and conventional nature which our weak minds, impotent to harmonize it with existing things, adopt by preference, because the miserable work is our own.

Eugène Delacroix

But I must be honest in this blog of mine. I share my room with the love of my life.
Laverne and her sewing machine have set up shop. So we can be creative together.

Endnote: before the new can come the old must pass away.

All for now

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Life-changing Ride

The title above comes from the June issue of the Powell River Living Magazine. It is on page 14 of the June issue and you can find it on the web at:
When the writer interviewed me for the story I was again challenged as to why I was not angry with God over what had happened to me. When all is said and done, if God be God then He will do what He wills. So my life has indeed changed but God has not! In the words of the hymn: tho all around my world give way He still is all my hope and stay.
As the days get warmer I plan on spending more time writing in my new studio. Does this mean I will post more to The Ministers Cat? We can only hope. But in my next post I will show you what my new room looks like.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father’s Day

TWOTW (the word of the week): father
Father's Day dates back to 1910 in Spokane, Wash., but was not widespread until 1943, in imitation of Mother's Day. Mother seems to take the “pole position” when it comes to celebrating the family. This was not always the case. In earlier times men often provided for their families by working at home (one of my early ancestors, Wat the Honest Weaver, worked in his home.) Little House on the Prairie, TV show or books, is an example of a stay home father in pioneer days on this continent.
The change came with the industrial revolution and the exodus of fathers from the home to the factory. My own father left home Monday to Friday at 5:30am and arrived back at 4:30pm and I was one of the lucky ones, my father was a tradesman, no shiftwork.
Fathers can be used to refer to the originators of something:
the Founding Fathers of the USA,

or in Canada’s case the Fathers of Confederation.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

One + One = Three

When I first met Christians at UBC I was surprised at the peace I felt when with them. After my accident I once again had this same feeling. The pastor from Cascades Gospel Chapel visited me every week. We would talk about his message that week share our hearts and then he would share communion with me. What caused the sense of peace that filled our time together? It was the presence in the room of a third person. Jesus put it this way: For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. (Matthew 18:20)

Note that Jesus promised to be with us plural. So we get our blog title, One + One = Three.

I see two encouraging thoughts arising from this verse and the reminiscences that precede it.

  1. That "no man is an island" and we need each other. The blessing of having Jesus with us is promised when we are with at least one other. I wonder if this is because we tend to become like Narcissus when alone, self-absorbed and simply unable to see that Jesus is with us.
  2. When we gather together as Christians joy will be present because Jesus is there. In addition as non-Christians are with us they too will experience the effect of Jesus' presence.

Let us pray that the presence of Jesus when Christians are together will help others warm up to Him.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Word of the Week: “ephemera”

I have decided to dedicate one blog entry a week to looking into a word, what it means, and how it applies to life in general and my life in particular.
ephemera (ɪˈfÉ›mÉ™rÉ™) — n , pl -eras , -erae 1. a mayfly, esp one of the genus Ephemera 2. something transitory or short-lived 3. ( functioning as plural ) a class of collectable items not originally intended to last for more than a short time, such as tickets, posters, postcards, or labels 4. a plural of ephemeron
This definition came from the World Dictionary on It originally was the Greek name for the mayfly, a short-lived insect, and became applied to anything that did not last.
Life in General
When put alongside eternity human life is ephemeral. A song entitled “Be in Time” captures the essence:
• Life at best is very brief,
Like the falling of a leaf,
Like the binding of a sheaf,
Be in time!
My Life in Particular
In library school I learned about ephemera, material like brochures, that are not expected to last. These things are stored in filing cabinets and called vertical files. The Greeks set up a library at Alexandria where they collected books that would last forever. The library burned down and all the books were lost.
After my accident I realized my life on earth is finite. I’m not going to build a library but instead put my trust in God’s promise of eternal life. Pray with me that my friends and readers will do so also.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hame and Agin

I have been back from the city for a week now and it is high time I got down to it and told you about my trip. Maria, Laverne and I headed for Vancouver on Tuesday, May 10. We went straight to G F Strong where we checked into the living room. This is a room where rehab patients and family can practice living on their own. It is set up like a motel room with a kitchenette and the luxury of a double size hospital bed.
Wednesday I received the Gert Vorsteher award from the BC Rehab Foundation. Although the award is given for gaining independence, I quoted John Donne, no man is an island, and argued for interdependence, giving credit to my caregivers.
Finally, on Friday I saw Dr. Krassioukov and we intensified the search for the cause of my spasms.
Please pray that I can get these spasms under control and that the money that came with the award I will use wisely.
Now an explanation of the title. As a small boy I remember coming home at night from a long as we rounded the Brilliant bluffs and I saw the lights of Castlegar my father would exclaim, with a tone of deep satisfaction, hame and agin (home and again). That is how I feel now that I am back in Powell River

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter in a Wheelchair

This past weekend I celebrated both Easter and my growing independence. On Good Friday I attended a service at a local church (Foursquare) where they had communion led by the pastor of another church (Lighthouse). As I met and worshipped with friends from my community it reminded me how Christians are all part of one family, the family of God.
On Saturday I went to Willingdon Beach Park for a community Easter egg hunt. There too I reveled in being part of a family, I am a Powell Riverite!
Finally, on Sunday I celebrated with my local church family. We greeted each other thus: Christ is risen! reply: He is risen indeed!
Before my accident I was an introvert and did not feel a need for others. Now I realize that my independence is really interdependence. It began with the staff at VGH who did it all for me. Then the staff at GF Strong Rehab who helped me to do it myself. Then, in my move home to Powell River, the Evergreen Extended Care Unit helped me integrate into my community. Finally, when I moved home, I gathered round me a group of caregivers who make it possible for me to be me.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ventdate: Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Once I missed a few weeks of writing in my blog it became hard to start up again. But I am back and plan to write regularly.
What is exiting in my life these days? Bible Study and Skype.
Our Bible Study meets in a different home each week. With my wheelchair I can only get into about half the homes. Enter Skype. 10 days ago I led a study from my computer. It reminded me of the men who made a hole in the roof to get a paralytic friend to Jesus.
Please pray for me: That I will stay healthy and get back to regular blogging.
Also that our use of Skype will work for Bible Study.
See you soon.

Friday, February 25, 2011

An Award

This week we received exciting news. My social worker from GF Strong called to tell me I had won a Gert Vorsteher Memorial Award for pursuing independence. This is exciting because having been at home for 8 months I have thought of several things I want to do to get more independence and this award will provide funds to help me do this. The award is being given in May in Vancouver around the same time I need to be there for a doctor’s appointment. Pray that I will be able to use the award wisely and join me in giving thanks for this blessing. I Thessalonians 5:17 In everything give thanks.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Slow to Anger

This week is my last in respite care at the Evergreen Extended Care Unit. Once again I marvel at the willingness of the hospital to offer me a place to stay while Laverne and my caregivers get a well earned rest. This week has taught me a valuable lesson.
First, on Monday on the Enright Files, an Israeli author said that the effect of anger is to isolate us. This brought to mind these verses from the Bible:
Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
(James 1:19-20)

Then on Tuesday, I had difficulty breathing and became quite abusive. For a time afterwards I felt cut off from my caregivers. Only when I apologized did I reconnect. So pray for me that I will be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.
My intent is to write blog entries more often, so I will see you soon, and see if I can carry out my good intentions.

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Change

A change is as good as a rest was a favourite saying of my mother’s and here at ECU I am not getting a rest so much as a change. I am driving more, using my computer more, and visiting with residents and staff. I want to say thanks to all of you in Powell River who have dropped by to visit me. I have enjoyed your visits immensely. I am going to be here for another 2 weeks until February 14th so if you haven’t made it yet there is still time to see me. My prayer request is that my spasms would decrease. They are interfering with sitting properly in my chair

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Visiting old friends and making new ones

Well I have moved back to Evergreen Extended Care Unit for a couple of weeks (Fir 202). It was rather pleasant to be greeted by all the staff from the last time I was here and I sat at the table with the guys I knew from before. Laverne is heading for Vancouver on Monday and so I will be entertaining visitors in the afternoon from then on. Our live-in caregiver, Maria has had trouble with her work permit. Please pray that she will receive this soon as right now she can’t work for us until the gets it. My stay in ECU was in God’s timing so I don’t need her to take care of me right now.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37

Today I feel like the man who was going up to Jericho because next week I am going to Evergreen Extended Care Unit while Laverne and Maria go down to Vancouver! I stayed at the ECU when I came back from Vancouver and the staff there reminds me of the Good Samaritan and how he put himself out for someone who needed care. I am feeling much better than when I first came home and I really appreciate the staff who will be taking over my care to give Laverne, Maria and Amanda a rest. I look forward renewing my acquaintance with staff and residents. It will be a change for me as well. For those of you in PR I will be there from Jan 21-31 and my room is Fir 202. I would love to have visitors in the afternoon or evening. The mornings will be pretty busy.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Fresh Start

Last Sunday the message at church was that it is never too late to make a fresh start. This morning we were challenged to meet with God daily. I was reminded of a little booklet called 7 minutes with God. It is offered as a free resource on the Navigators of Canada website (If this link does not take you to the site copy the link into your browser's address bar and you will get there) Please pray with me that I will make a fresh start in my devotions this year and let me know if you decide to join me.