Tuesday, November 22, 2011

1. Prayer

The first of the 4 ways John Stott says that Christians can influence the world is through prayer. I have always been tickled by a made up verse for the chorus I've Been Redeemed:
You can talk about me any time you please.
I'll talk about you, when I'm on my knees.
  A Biblical example of this is found in the life of the prophet Samuel. After Saul and the people had disobeyed Samuel his response was:
 (1Sa 12:23)  Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way:
My church is across the street from Kelly Creek Community School (K to 6). We have had a very cordial relation with the school over the years. Do we always agree with the school? No ... but, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for them.

If I were to invite all my neighbors (readers) to church this week it would be very difficult for me and them. But if I asked them if I could pray for them I think it would be easier for all of us.
So ... What can I pray for you? Email me with your prayer needs: j_dalziel@yahoo.co.uk
Till next time

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

John Stott: Four Ways Christians Can Influence the World | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

 John Stott died earlier this year.
Over the years I have enjoyed the thought of this Anglican practical theologian. His book, Basic Christianity, was a great influence on my early days as a Christian. Much later I attended Regent College and heard him speak. Regent Bookstore has a good selection of audio teaching by him.
I intend to look at each of Stott's four ways in future posts so read the article below. The first way is Prayer.

John Stott: Four Ways Christians Can Influence the World | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Keeping Fit?

Physical Fitness
Last month I attended a disability EXPO in Vancouver. There I saw a machine that will exercise my arms and legs, called APT. That stands for Active Passive Trainer.
Think of a stationary bicycle you might see in a gym. That is an Active Trainer. Now attach a motor to it to drive my feet, or hands, around and you have a Passive Trainer. Since my muscles do not to my command the P is for me.
I suggested to my care givers that they  could use my trainer in the active mode to get exercise. They said they would rather use the passive mode so they could go to sleep like I do, NOT TRUE!

Spiritual Fitness
I wanted to establish a Bible reading program to read the whole Bible in a year. I use a free Bible program called eSword. It has the capability for setting up a reading program, but it has to be set up by the user and you have to log in to access the reading. I call this Active Spiritual Training, AST.
Then I found a plan I call PST, Passive Spiritual Training. The Bible Gateway reading plans have the advantage of being pre set. I set my plan to send an email with the days reading and link to the reading online. This way I am directed to my reading daily.
Greetings to all,