Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The start of my walk with Jesus

When I first went to university I suffered from severe depression so much so that I dropped out but came back the next year determined to do better. By January I was falling back into depression so one night I was contemplating ending it all but decided to take one more chance. Early in September a Christian group had come round the dorm with a questionnaire and an invitation to a Bible study. I remembered the guy on my floor who had invited me and so I took courage and knocked on his door and asked if I could go to the Bible study he had invited me to. He said "sure it is in the main lounge." Another challenge to my courage as everyone entering my dorm went right past the lounge but I went. We sang hymns and played games and then divided into Bible study groups. This study had been going for 3 weeks and so I missed the studies on salvation and accepting Christ so things went along smoothly until the study on the Lordship of Christ. One of the questions asked what areas of your life have you turned over to Jesus and I realized that I had not turned anything over to him so I knelt by my bed and accepted Christ more (to follow tomorrow) 2 Cor. 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old is gone the new has come!

1 comment:

  1. Dear John and Laverne we miss your presence, your boundless ministries and especially your passion for the Lord Jesus.The " Ministers cat"
    is an amazing connection for us and we marvel at your story as it unfolds.We pray that you will
    feel God's grace, His healing and his purpose in these difficult days.I welcome the opportunity to look into your renovation needs for your homecoming. Yours in His grip Hank and Margaret
