Sunday, October 18, 2009

2 months and starting to get bored

After I realized I had been here for two months I began to get bored. The blog has occupied my time and I really enjoy reading the responses (Please give your name so I know who is writing). For the first time last night I began to feel bored and wondering what I ought to be doing. I had been making up a movie in my head when my nurses came in to give me a turn. As I shared with them my plans for the movie one of them asked me if I couldn't make up a skit for their Christmas party. In an instant what had been an idle occupation became a real job. Praise the Lord! Matthew 6:33 (New International Version) But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things (including a skit to write) will be given to you as well.


  1. ohhh....FUN! Not just an assignment, but a creative assignment. Lord I ask that you birth a fresh creativity in John. You have given him insights and perspectives that are not typical of this world. Now I ask that you annoint him to write and reveal TRUTH to all those who can hear. We ask for ddreams and visions, words and ideas that speak of Your kingdom and Your will here on earth. John Bless you, and your girls.

    With much love,
    The Tanasiuks

    PS. The ministers cat is a pondering, persevering, possibility thinking kind o'cat.

  2. John, just as you thought about being idle, God provided an answer...I am thrilled that you will have this project to work on. No idle time now! What fun you will have thinking about and then making up the skit for the Christmas party. You will have to ensure that they video it so you will be able to see. Let the creative juices flow!

  3. John, I'm down in New Orleans at a conference. Just to let you know that I check your blog daily. Your faith is inspiring.

    Dr Tom

  4. Hi John and Laverne

    isn't it interesting that God allowed your boredom to stretch you to look outside of your "box"? It is when we do not know how to do things on our own anymore that we really allow God to guide us.
    I love it when I look back and see how God has used a certain situation to His adventage where I did not know what to do with it and finally gave up doing it myself. That is when I am weak and He is strong and where He can really shine. I know that God will use you in ways that you have not even thought of as being used. The reason that you are here is that He is not done with you yet and He has a plan for you. Not to harm you, but to use you as He sees fit.

    Continue to look to Him for His answers and His guidance. We all are inspired by you, but I know that we all have to continue to prepare ourselves for that time that God will want to use us in ways that we have never thought of as well. Let us all remember that God does things His way and we had better be ready.

    Thank you John and Laverne for your willingness to be examples to us and to remind us that our plans may not be His plans

  5. Hi John. This is Ginny. I have read your blog every day (okay sometimes every 2nd day) since your accident. I look forward to reading what is happening with you. It amazes and inspires me - I find your blog so uplifing and positive even in such uncertain circumstances. I have wanted to come visit you for the last 2 months but find it hard to get a babysitter for more than my work hours. Please know that I do think of you daily and hope soon to be able to get to see you.
    Ginny Hogan

  6. Heh Johnny, that is so awesome, my Mom (your Aunt Sheila) always said scratch a Brown and you usually come up with a preacher or a writer. Know it is going to be great

  7. Hi John...

    So pleased to hear you will be putting your creativity into action once again...there is never a piece of work written by me that i don't give thanks to God for...i love to be in the God given creative flow...amen!

    write on!

    Jody Jankola

  8. Hey John,

    This is Kim from GFS. I used to work at VGH and went to those Christmas parties. I want to know if they did end up doing your skit?

    D was here today for a visit, and we talked of how we enjoyed working with you.... and then I remembered you were a blogger!

    I will keep you in my prayers.
