Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Solution to Dehydration

Today John had a procedure called a peg which is connected to his stomach and water can be put in to keep him hydrated without him having to spend so much time drinking. He tolerated that well and was eager to eat when he got back to the ward. We are still not too sure what the plan is for when he goes back to GF Strong so pray that we will have patience so that he goes back when he is healthy to do so


  1. Good morning.

    A peg eh! hmmmm and here I thought that there were only two kinds.... clothes peg and peg leg. See, you are teaching me something new.

    Patience.... oh my goodness. A daily prayer.

    Today we commemorate those who gave their lives in the Great Wars... and thousands will pay tribute.

    And to think that HE gave HIS life to us who had yet to be born. It is hard to get my mind around it.

    Enjoy your peg.

  2. Hi John,

    I spoke with my dad last night and he said that he's keeping you in his prayers. Of course you know my mom's praying for you every day as well, this along with so many prayers going up for you every day from all around the country and the world. You are constantly being lifted up.

    I am amazed to hear about the various things that modern medicine can do. I hope your stomach enjoys the extra water !!
    Love Juhli.

  3. Wow that is so cool!! I really hope that solves it :) Have a good rest of the week.

    The ministers cat is a "terrific cat"

  4. The ministers cat is a "well hydrated cat"....Thank you Lord for modern medicine!

    More blessings for you John
    Lots of love
    the Tanasiuks

  5. The Minister's Cat is a loving cat
    take care...we are praying for you all
    Don and Alexa
