Monday, November 9, 2009

Back in VGH

Today (late Sunday) as I write I can tell you that John is back in VGH in Jim Pattison 12700. These past few days he has not been feeling well and so today after another visit to emergency after one of the RT's who knew him from the spinal unit said that something wasn't right they decided to admit John rather than send him back to GF Strong. Fortunately the bed on Respiratory that he only left on Tuesday was made available for him. Because of bed switching and other factors he never made it up to the ward until 11pm. The verse that we shared in emergency while waiting was I Thess 1:3 We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.


  1. We shall continue our prayers for John, and you too Laverne...we shall trust that he is where God wants him to be right now, to get the care he needs right now. We are filled with faith, love and hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

    We met all the children of the family staying at your place! I can't remember their last name, but remember that the children fit in perfectly, and were a delightful addition to Kids it Hannah, Caleb, Sarah and Mariah?? I think those were their names...little Naomi and Joshua went home with Mom and Dad.

    We had 21 children that night, and Gerry did a great devotional on remembrance, both in the sense of November 11, and remembering every day that Jesus is our friend. Pat commented that you two must be praying hard for Kids Club, with the number of children that are coming each week.

    As always, thinking of you.....
    MariAnn and Peter

  2. I am truly sorry for all of this... you both must be exhausted on all fronts.

    Jesus is our strength and our hope and in HIM we rest.

    I am always encouraged by your posts.

    HE will keep you and us.

  3. I am praying that they find out what is wrong, and that God sends you all strength and energy.
    with love

  4. Hi John and Laverne

    You both are always in my thoughts and prayers.
    God never makes mistakes, just because we do not understand something or we do not see the reason, does not mean that there is no reason.

    May you continue to spread your faith and your
    total trust in Him so that all may see.

    "Rejoice in the Lord, always. Again I will say rejoice" Phil 4;4

  5. I am sad to hear that you needed to go back to VGH. I hope you get better soon.

    The ministers cat is a "silly cat"

  6. Hello John and Laverne,

    I am thinking about you often, and quite worried.
    I hope you start to get better soon. You are quite the strong fighter John, you have the strength to get better. You are always full of smiles, and always positive and full of ideas. I'm sure you will get through this, and be on top again.

    Thinking and praying for you lots.
    Love Ayla Jones

  7. Hi John,

    We pray God keeps you in His care and gives you strengh to overcome this challenge and rocky road you are on at this time.

    We pray comfort and peace be with you both...

    Love in His name,
    Gerry and Alma

  8. John and Laverne, you're in my thoughts and prayers every day. Thank you for continuing to share each day with us. I know there is so much love being poured out to both of you from so many.

    Psalm 36:7 How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men
    find refuge in the shadow of your wings.

