Monday, February 1, 2010

Sensitive Skin

Today I was looking at John's skin. The pressure sore on his heel continues to improve although it does take a long time. Last week when he came back to GF Strong he had an open area on his coccyx. Today that has almost healed. The occupational therapist told John he was fortunate his skin is so sensitive. It doesn't take much and he has a red area on his skin. It is like an early warning system because it lets his caregivers know something has to be changed. Maybe another pillow is needed, or avoiding a certain position, whatever it is a routine has to be altered. We also need to pay attention in our spiritual lives to areas that get sore. If we deal with things when they are "just a little red" healing happens quickly but if we let things become huge issues then the healing takes longer. Pray continuously 1 Thess. 5:17


  1. Thank you John for reminding us to pay attention to all we do...this is where our fellowship with others helps us immensely.

    We just finished our WOW and the morning was misty but rain, which makes it more pleasant.

    Take care, Praying continuously...

  2. Good morning:

    This analogy for tender skin if for our hearts as well. Roots of bitterness, anger, self-pity, all the 'isms.... when they get a little red... we know WHO to turn to.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this blog.

  3. Tender skin, and tender heart, your spirit amazes us...take care
    Alexa and Don
