Saturday, February 6, 2010

Wisdom needed

Today was beautiful in Vancouver. There is a sun porch at the end of John's hall and we sat out and enjoyed the sun for a few minutes. John has been very tired for the past few days and most of the rest of the time he spent sleeping. Please pray that the sleep will be healing and that we will be able to figure out the best way to help John.


  1. Praying for you all, for healing and peace
    with love..and wishing you lovely sunshine
    Don and Alexa

  2. John

    We pray you get the rest you need as the Lord may have something very taxing for you to do tomorrow..

    I was reading PHILEMON verses 4 - 7 Thanksgiving and Prayer...and I thought of you John...Many times I think of you as I read the word.

    We keep you and Laverne in our prayers daily.

  3. John and Laverne...still smiling from the joy of having a face-to-face chat with Laverne at work last week...the daily news, good and bad, is so uplifting, but the joy of sharing a hug and connecting in person...can't beat that! Praise the Lord for keeping us all together one way or another.
    Praying for healing rest, continued f.r.o.g. and forward progress as the Lord heals you in your own paths, and uses you in the amazing blessing that you both/all are in the lives of others.
    Really looking forward to seeing you driving that chair.
    Love and hugs
    Deb and family
