Monday, February 22, 2010

Extra chest physio needed

Today when I got to GF Strong the physio and respiratory therapists were pummelling John - well really his chest. He had a bad spell in the night where his oxygen levels went down and so first thing this morning they were working on his chest to clear everything out. Then after lunch he went back to bed and they had another go at him. When I left him tonight his chest was pretty good. We are praying for a better night. Would you please pray with us as tomorrow is John's second family team meeting. Pray for clear communication and good understanding between all the caregivers and the family as well.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh communication.

    And most of us who don't do it well, admire those who do do it well.

    I am constantly amazed when Jesus says things that they are so clearly said and that they pierce the heart with truth.

    I will pray that there are no shadows in this up-coming conversation.
