Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Cost of Care

Today we visited the occupational therapist and discussed the cost of the basics needed for my care. I was impressed by the expense of things. It would be easy to get caught up in worry that our extended care provider would not meet the price that we with the OT consider essential for my care. Once again I am reminded of the words of Paul the apostle in Phil. 4:19 My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in Christ Jesus. Please pray that we don't get caught up in the cost and forget our wonderful provider.


  1. Morning all:

    It is ONLY money. And HE will make a way.

    Trusting in HIM for all of your needs.

  2. I know God will help find a way to make those expenses...just concentrate on recovery. Praying for you

  3. And do not worry, when provisions seem to come only at the last minute. That is how the Lord works many times. Just making sure that we are looking to Him for the answers; yes, He will provide.

  4. We are human and we worry!! God tells us he takes care of all things and of us.
    Matthew 6:33,34

    We need to give it all over to God in complete trust.
    We will continue to pray about this and other things John... We know if we follow God's commands he is faithful.
