Tuesday, December 1, 2009


2 Timothy 1:5 I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded now loves in you also. I woke up this morning and I was lying the way my mother taught me was the right way to go to sleep. This is the first time I can remember waking up that way since I have been here. That is a small thing, the other thing when I woke up with was the words of Psalm 100 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. I memorized this psalm at vacation Bible school when I was about 10. Is just seemed it was the perfect way to get back to backs, basics of my parents teachings, Bible teaching, Sunday School and the basics Laverne and I set for ourselves since my accident of Proverbs 3:5,6. I am reminded of a chorus, "read your Bible, pray everyday and you'll grow, grow, grow. It's one thing to be a Christian and another to be a growing Christian.


  1. Awesome...this sounds so good...I am happy because it feels like you are feeling better

  2. John, we look forward to more of your wise words of counsel. I believe more than ever now, that God is using you right where you are! Would you continue to help us counsel one another, and those who do not yet know the Lord. How can we be the examples Jesus so desperately wants us to be? With love and anticipation.......

  3. Food is a good thang..........

    Glad that you are feeling a tinge better. Keep on keeping on in HIM.

  4. Hello John...wanted to tell you what a happy thing it is to hear your voice again! I have what I am told is a gift...when I read someone's words, I am able to hear their voice as I read. This occurs with both people I know and am away from at present, and also with folks such as my grandmother who has been gone from us for many years.
    So it's wonderful to hear you again, beyond earlier frustrations and difficulties, and back to sharing your stories, thoughts, and bits of the Lord's touch and voice in your life even within the confines of your present surroundings.
    You and Laverne continue to be an inspiration...love and prayers for healing, coping, and the joy of passing on your faith to those around you.
    With love always, Deb W and family
