Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Another fever

The past few days John has gradually been more awake and feeling better. This is an encouragement to both of us. This morning he had another fever so they did more tests and a chest x-ray which didn't turn out so good. They want to see if he can shake this without any antibiotic so we would really appreciate your prayers specifically for his chest. Today we were thinking about windows and that led us to read about Noah and the window in the ark. We were thinking about the faith Noah had to open the window and let the birds go. We need to have the faith of Noah as well.


  1. Hi John and laverne

    Where there is heat there is a fire. Where there is a fever there is a fight going on.
    There is a physical and spiritual fight going on in you. We are praying for you in all these ways, but also know that when there is a spiritual fight we try to strengthen ourselves, do so with the physical fight as well. Your body is obviously fighting something and that results in the fever. Is there any way that you can stimulate your immune system with healthful foods and supplements?

    In the meantime, if that is not possible, we pray that the Lord will strengthen your immune system regardless of what you can eat and drink and what the doctors allow.
    In the end our Lord is our great Physician, if we cannot trust Him than who could we trust.

    Put on the whole armour of the Lord and we continue to lift you up

  2. Hi John, you're always in my thoughts and I continue to pray for you every day.

    I wanted to share a Welsh Folksong with you if I could. I was playing it tonight and thought of you.

    Sleep my child and peace attend thee, all through the night. Guardian angles God will send thee all through the night. Soft the drowsy hours are creeping, hill and vale in slumber sleeping. God his loving vigil keeping all through the night.

    Love Juhli.

  3. Psalm 52:8
    But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love forever and ever.

  4. Loving you and praying for you...
    Alexa and Don

  5. Hope its okay to post a second comment cousin, cause I am driving home tonight and its dark, and cold and I am in the habit of turning on the radio...instead I sang hymns all the way home...thinking of of my favourites as a child..Onward Christian Soldiers...and I sounded so raw and funny...but felt like it brought me closer to you...hope your night is good and sweet and the prayers cover you like a blanket keeping God in and everything else out
