Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Fresh Start

Last Sunday the message at church was that it is never too late to make a fresh start. This morning we were challenged to meet with God daily. I was reminded of a little booklet called 7 minutes with God. It is offered as a free resource on the Navigators of Canada website (If this link does not take you to the site copy the link into your browser's address bar and you will get there) Please pray with me that I will make a fresh start in my devotions this year and let me know if you decide to join me.


  1. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you John, Laverne and Maria...

    Our morning service today was on Prayer and we are all encouraged to read through the bible as a new start of the year....also we are encouraged in Intercessory prayer for others.

    God is soverign over all things and we pray for what He wills....

    We continue to keep you in our prayers for all your needs.....

  2. I read, and thought about your posting. And seven minutes is little enough for all I have. Think I will make this my only new years resolution. Thanks John

  3. Hi John, We are thinking of you and continue to keep you in our prayers.....we pray you are able to keep up with your daily devotions as you planned.... some days it is difficult to stay on the course as other things seem to get in the way..
    We miss seeing you and Laverne and having a little chat on Sundays....

    Take care and God bless...
