Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Each day John's iv blood pressure medication is being decreased. He seems to be tolerating this although he does have a mini crisis after sitting up for awhile. Each day is better than the previous one. They also took off his PEEP today. Pray that his lungs will tolerate this. This is in preparation for talking which is something to which he is very much looking forward.


  1. Praise the Lord for your patience and perseverance...and praise for daily improvement! John and's so good to have these little bits of news/story/journey from you each's exciting to have affirmations of answered prayer, and to know directions in which to's a joy and an honour that you share all these things. Love and prayers always,
    Deb and family.

  2. Yahhh!!! Let your kingdom come, and your will be done even MORE Lord!! May the Lord bless you and keep, you and make his face shine upon you and bring you peace!! WE are proud of you, keep up the good work guys....

    the Tanasiuks

  3. Good morning from Powell River everyone.

    Yes, God is so good to all of us.

    John, we are encouraged by your courage and grace.

    Sorry about the Canucks game. But the bigger question of course, is, will they win the next one???

    I remain, your humble servant and a NON Canucks fan.
