Monday, April 5, 2010


Today John was not any better and is quite drowsy.  The doctors at GF Strong decided John needed to go and have more tests done.  As a consequence about 2pm we arrived at VGH Emergency.  The emerg doc and internist have seen him so far but aren't really sure what is going on.  Please pray they will have the wisdom and insight they need to accurately diagnose and treat John


  1. how scary. A comfort is that Jesus knows that feeling and is standing there right with you both.

    Hugs to you.

  2. Praying for you both, may God give you strenght and those caring for John the wisdom they need to help him regain his health. Loving you both
    Alexa and Don

  3. John and Laverne, we pray that God lends you His strength, grace and patience as you fight fears and wait for answers. We pray for wisdom for all the people attending John, that they will see and sense the light that shines from him, and that the Lord's Holy spirit fills them with a knowledge that is beyond our earthly capacity to understand. We pray for answers, and we pray for solutions. In Jesus' precious name we pray, Amen.

  4. John and Laverne,
    We continue to pray daily for John to stabalize and come home to us here in PR. Also, for strength for you. May HE hold you both in the palm of HIS hand.
    Dietmar & Patricia

  5. God Bless you John as you go through another trial...We pray God strengthens you and gives you His patience to wait upon Him...We pray for the wisdom of the doctors with God's hand and guidance on them to figure out the problem...

    We also pray for you Laverne as you comfort John
    and take care of his needs...we pray you get the rest you need..

    Praying daily.... LOL
