Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday Brunch

Today we had an outing to Laverne's sister Marsha's place where we had a Good Friday Brunch with family and friends.  They had built a ramp to go up into the house and it was clear sailing from there to the dining room.  It reminded me of how often meals were mentioned in the gospels.  The one I like the most is when Matthew gathered all his tax collector friends and they shared a meal with Jesus.  The fellowship we shared together today was special.

1 comment:

  1. We were thinking about you and Laverne today hoping the weather did not hinder you getting to Marsha's for lunch; Pleased to hear you all had a wonderful visit.

    The storm has been quite wild here in P/R..we have tree limbs falling (G. will be out with the saw tomorrow) and the large waves are crashing to the shore making for quite a sight!!

    God bless you both as you enjoy your Easter outing.. Keep healthy!!

