Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Directing care

Last night John did not sleep that well. As a consequence when I came in this morning he was sound asleep and the nurse said he had asked to get up at 11. I spent the morning chatting with some of the other patients. John got up for lunch and then went back to bed as the physio therapist wanted to help John teach the nurses how to do his chest care. A few more sessions of that and he will be ready to go home and teach the nurses in Evergreen. He is really getting better all the time at directing his care. I think the extra two weeks we have down here are going to make a big difference for John’s confidence in being able tell others how to take care of him. Please pray that John’s nights don’t get interrupted so that he can get the rest he needs at night.

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing. I have been following your blog and you inspire me with your positive attitude, grace and patience. I pray for you often.

