Monday, March 15, 2010

Power in the Blood

On Friday I had a blood transfusion and even today I feel strong and energized to do more.  The transfusion has helped me regain the energy I need to keep up with the rehab I need to do before coming home.  It reminds me the blood of Jesus has given me a new life in him 2 Cor 5:17. Today I was able to stay awake the whole day and get a lot accomplished. This week we have planned an outing on Friday.  Pray the energy I feel today will carry on so I can go to see sledge hockey at UBC Friday.

1 comment:

  1. I pray you are able to see the sledge hockey. We went on the weekend (Italy and Norway) and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly! What an inspiration those players are. We truly feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to watch the game. I wish more people could have seen the games. It makes us sit back and realize that our only limitations are the ones we place on ourselves. God gives us the opportunity to live, the choice is ours whether we live our lives to the fullest or not. God Bless you.

    Diane (Gration) Dermott
