Monday, March 8, 2010

Back on a Bike!

Today John biked 2.2 km.  At GF Strong they have a bike that they can strap your feet into and set a speed and it will turn your feet without you having to move the pedals yourself.  For John it was going slow - it took 1/2 hour to do 2.2 km.  This is because the PT thinks this might help to decrease his spasms.  They can have the bike at a faster pace if exercise is wanted.  It kind of reminded me of the end of Hebrews 12:1 Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  Perseverance in life is so important and even when we have to rely on others or machines to do the running we need to be there for the race.


  1. Hi family:

    That is how long it would take me to walk we could walk/ride together.

    But not in the rain, nor the snow, or if it is windy, or sleeting, or noisy, or too sunny, or to chilly or the moon is only 1/4 or 3/4 or the daffodils are not up or the sea lions are not barking over by the mill..........

    The conditions have to be just right..... which means, John, today you are strictly on your own.

  2. As long as the heart is in it, you are just fine.

    And knowing you, we do not have to worry about that.
    Thanks again for sharing. I am learning a lot and am thankful you are willing to go the way
