Tuesday, March 2, 2010

In the Background

This week has been a busy week.  I am going to tell you what goes on in the background.  I am going to be trying out a new chair today.  The sales rep has been busy in the background making sure the chair meets my specifications which are considerable.  The transition person is busy working with my case manager in PR to set up how my care will look when I return home.  The OT at GF Strong and the OT in PR are busy arranging other things for me.  I come in at the end and everything has been prepared.  It reminds me of Lazarus in John 11.  When Jesus heard Lazarus was sick he waited 2 days until everything was ready and prepared and then he arrived.  Please pray that I will be patient and let the background things work out and not rush into things.


  1. Hi John. I was thinking about nature and how it is in hibernation in the winter, but right now everything is getting ready to "spring" alive.
    Nature is getting exited right now and is putting it's strength into getting ready for the "big" day.

    And you have been in "hibernation" as well and are getting exited about getting ready to "spring" alive.

    I will pray that you will be able to focus on those things that you can work on while others are doing their part.

  2. It seems like things are coming along nicely...even tho'it would appear like a lot of waiting on your part..It must be difficult for you John, being the man who was always getting things done. We pray God gives you His patience to continue to wait for all things to be organized for you.

    The sun is shining here today and warming up..Your garden will be in bloom welcoming you home.

