Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Out of ICU

Today when I got back from lunch John and all his things were packed and he was ready to go back to ECU. Thank you for all your prayers. Things have not totally resolved but he is improving which is the main thing. He was very happy to get back where there is more interaction. He is also looking forward to having a pass and going to see what is happening at the barn. He can hardly wait to get home.


  1. It is good to hear you are back at ECU John.
    We pray all will go well... The weather is getting better and hopefully you will get out to see the barn.

    We are all rooting for you...It is always good to be in your home even if it is for a visit. Soon you will be home to enjoy your garden.

    God bless you and Laverne... love to you both.

  2. Glad John is feeling better, and pray he makes it home soon to see his barn. Just Thank God he is okay. With love
    Alexa and Don

  3. Aunty Sheila says she has both her fingers and her toes crossed that you will be home soon. She recalls living in something barn shaped always made her happy.
    You are always in our thoughts and prayers.

    The family in Trail

  4. Great news !! Thanks for the update. Our prayers continue as we anticipate the homecoming with you . Lots of love and support, Juhli and Malonie.
