Saturday, June 19, 2010

The goal is Home

John continues to slowly get stronger. He has been enjoying visits from different ones but his focus is on getting home - he can hardly wait. ECU is only a stepping stone. Please pray that he will have patience needed in this waiting time and that his health will continue to improve. We are blessed to have so many people who have been willing to help prepare our place so John can go home.


  1. HI John and LaVerne:

    Here to put a shine on your day is a sexist remark often told by my grandmother.

    " Patience is a virtue
    Possess it if you can.
    Seldom found in women
    And never in a man. "


  2. All roads lead to where the heart is praying John makes it home, and thanking God for all of the people who are helping him make it there.
    with Love
    Don and Alexa

  3. Hi John,

    We missed you at church this morning...It was good to see Laverne and meet one of your new caregivers..She seems like a sweet girl.

    Patience is a difficult thing when all we want to do is get going on our goals...We need to pray and ask God for His patience..That sounds easy enough doesn't it??? but then we are human and learn to wait on Him... I am sure you both know that everyone is praying the same thing for you.

    We are praying for you John, for you and Laverne that things come quickley together.

    Love to you both!!

  4. Hi John
    We just found out about this blog and have been reading it from the beginning over the last few days. WOW! what a journey you have been on. I've taken notes on many of your amazing insights along the way. You are an inspiration!
    Judy Nalos
