Thursday, July 1, 2010

East, West - Home’s Best

We missed blogging the last two days and the reason was the caregivers were given a learning session by PROP, as well as sessions for volunteers to become familiar with helping me in an emergency. At the same time I was getting ready to spend my first overnight in my newly renovated home. Hebrews 11:8-11. All the things mentioned for Abraham and all the things we talked about happening to me went well, although not in the way we expected. The trainer’s car broke down so the teaching sessions had to be shifted but I am glad to report we now have a cohort of people ready to support me and accompany me on outings. I also spent my first night at home and my caregivers had a chance to work together at our place. My first experience overnight at home felt very good and I am looking forward to increasingly longer stays.


  1. HI John:

    So happy that things are moving along. God is so good to us.

  2. Wonderful news. Praise the Lord!

  3. What a wonderful update John. I'm so glad, as I know everyone is, to hear that you've made it home for a sleep. What a great milestone and what a great date you chose - easy to remember!! Happy Homecoming!!

