Saturday, November 13, 2010

Three Stars

Third Star-Saturday morning Men’s prayer meeting. It is a great start to a weekend. On Friday night I usually worry about getting up in time but when Saturday comes it is great to be down at the church at 8am praying for each other and our church family.
Second Star-the telephone. Tonight we had a phone call from Lee Guay in California. He told me all about swimming and how hot the weather was.
First Star-fellowship with God through prayer and daily Bible reading. I also appreciate sharing this star with you as we pray for each other and see God at work in our lives.
Update-I feel 100% better. Your prayers have been answered but I still need them. Thanks for your continuing prayer


  1. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better. Praise God. The prayers will continue, you're part of my every day !! Juhli.

  2. When you feel well, it's wonderful, prayers of thanksgiving and prayers for continued Health!
    Don and Alexa

  3. Hi John, It will be good to keep up with your blog as we are now in Kelowna for a few months.

    We liked your three stars, each one very special. :) It must have been a big surprise to hear from Lee....How nice was that!!!!

    We are especially happy to hear you are feeling much better...

    We continue to pray for you..
    Love to you both..
