Thursday, November 18, 2010

Open my eyes

A few days ago in our morning Bible reading we read the story of the woman at the well from John 4. It struck me then as it always does that the woman was not looking for Jesus but Jesus came to her and touched her life where it was most needed. At times since my accident I have been in need like the woman and Jesus has come to me when I was least looking for him. I seem to be physically getting better every day but spiritually I value prayers on my behalf.


  1. So true John....when we least expect it Jesus is there near us, to help us through our most toughest and difficult journeys and touch our lives in a wonderful way..

    We are happy to hear you are feeling better. We continue to keep you in our prayers...

  2. And you touch other lives and make them better because of your faith. I Thank God for you, and pray that all is well with you. Jesus watches over you, of that I am certain. Prayers for you for your health and for your spirit. with love
    Don and Alexa

  3. Hi John & Laverne! Glad all is well. I sure miss you 2:( I have a new look on life spiritually just by allowing me to be a part of oyurs. You 2 will always be a part of my life. Take care. (

    Loretta Hanson xo

  4. It always strikes me that there are not many who are looking for Jesus, me included. I go about my day and spend most of it doing things I think are important, but in the end, who decides what is important?
    The fact that I have Jesus in my heart is not because I looked for Him and the fact that I know He is always there, even when I do not acknowledge Him at that time, is because He has decided to be there. There is nothing that I have done to instigate this or even anything to cling to Him. It is Jesus who has decided I am worth it, no matter what I have done or will do in the future. No matter how much time I will decide to spend with Him or dedicate to Him.

    I wish I would remember that all the time for then I would spend so much more time with Him and listen to Him, but I am so human and get caught up in this place we call life. I spend some time in prayer and some time reading His Word, but realizing some of the things He does and has done for me, after He looked for me is absolutely mind boggling and I am not sure I am worth it, for if I were Him I would have dropped me already long ago and looked for someone who is willing to put as much time into me as I would into him.

    Boy am I ever grateful for Him looking for me. I am wondering whether the lost sheep actually realized how lost it was or even whether it was lost in the first place.
    What I am seeing in people who are older and getting closer to the time when they are going to leave this life and move on or those who have gone through a tremendous struggle, is how they are getting closer and closer to Him who is actually worth of all the time and effort.

    I am glad that Jesus is willing to work on me and that He actually knows when I need Him most, for those are the times I see Him the clearest.

    Just because I have not commented for a while, does not mean you both have not been in my prayers.
    I envy you when I look at the picture with Stuart McLean. I missed it, I love his stories on Sundays. Have enjoyed them for years. I cannot believe I was not there.
