Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Successful Surgery

Today John had a Port-A-Cath inserted under the skin on the right side of his chest. This needed to be done under anesthetic. We were blessed to have John’s former family doctor do the anesthetic. Everything went very smoothly. John had been fasting since the previous night and got out of the OR at 3:10pm. You won’t be surprised to know that his first words were “when can I have something to eat”! We were home by just after 5 and he has been resting in bed ever since. How appropriate that this is the week of Thanksgiving. We are truly thankful, thankful for everything going so smoothly, thankful for the anesthetist being a friend, and thankful for all of you praying for us.


  1. Thankful that all is okay and glad you will be home recovering with family and friends. With love and happiness you are okay.
    Don and Alexa

  2. Praise the Lord that all went well. Have a good trip to Vancouver.

  3. Aunty Sheila sends her love and is so glad to hear that the surgery went well.
    Have a good trip to Vancouver.

    Aunty Sheila and the family in Trail
