Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Step of Faith

Lesson from Joshua 6:7 All too often I want to see results before I put in any effort. Right now I am anxious to get back to GF Strong but up until now I have just been waiting to follow rather than stepping out to make a way for myself. I feel that even as I begin to work to get back to GF Strong I am still FROG - fully relying on God. Just as in this chapter the destruction of Jericho was obviously a work of God but the people had to put their armed guard out ahead of the ark and a few days earlier the Jordan River did not back up until the priests put their feet into the water so pray with me that I will be proactive in getting back to GF Strong and will maintain a stance of FROG.


  1. John you come from stubborn Scots on both sides of your family tree. That stubborn strength helped your mother deal with polio and Aunt Jean with MS will help you get back to GF Strong. They were both too stubborn to ever give up and so are you!
    You are in all our prayers that you will make it to GF Strong.

    The Brown Family in Trail.

  2. And what I see is a great willingness and desire to do that which God has in mind for you. Nothing more and nothing less. That is what is keeping you going and that makes you FROG.
    You are doing absolutely great and exactly what you need to do and my prayer will continue to be that your eyes will continue to be focussed on Him and on what He has in mind for you.

    And again, thank you for shining for us, showing us your path so that we can continue to have that as a model to continue to walk ours.
