Sunday, December 27, 2009

God's Faithfulness

This morning the focus at the church I went to was how God has worked in the past year. One of the songs we sang was "Great is thy Faithfulness". It was hard to sing this song as I thought about what has happened over the past few months. Then when I got to GF Strong the nurses were bagging John as something had gone wrong with the ventilator (the tubing had come disconnected but it took some time before they figured out where it was disconnected). It wasn't until I was looking back at the situation that I realized again just how faithful God has been to us, walking every step of the way with us.


  1. great is HIS faithfulness, and great is your faithfulness.... God bless you with HIS tangeble, powerful and awsome presence as you walk each day (moment) by faith and not by sight. Thank you Lord that your kingdom HAS come and your will IS BEING DONE in John, Lavern and Katie. Show them your ways, and give them everything they need to stay in your presence....let them experience the power in your kiss.

    We Love you,
    the Tanasiuks

  2. How scared you must have been, and what a wonderful person you are with never a thought for yourself Laverne, I truly admire you and your faith, you are a testament to the Lords Love. As I read your post this morning I cried and am crying still...our prayers and thoughts are with you, now and always
    Alexa and Don

  3. Oh how I agree ........... it must have been so very scary. But after the fright... when our hearts slow down and we can breathe again...... HE is there. In the fear and in the panic and in the rest.

    Huge hugs to you all.
