Saturday, December 26, 2009


Yesterday Laverne updated you on the family things that went on for Christmas. For me one of the best things was when I had CBC radio on in the morning I listened to "The Messiah" The phase that struck me was Isa. 40:4 every valley shall be exalted... and the rough places (made) plain. This seems appropriate to me as someone who will have to be in a wheelchair from now on and it also brings into focus the sovereignty of God in our lives. I went much encouraged into the family time and especially enjoyed the carol sing. It was a good day, too as I felt that my rehab is not an impossibility because "I can do everything through him who gives me strength" Phil. 4:13

1 comment:

  1. We were listening to the same Messiah broadcast that morning, John and LaVerne. Yes, those prophecies were given to a defeated people, to help them rise above their bleak prospects and see the better future. That meaning is still applicable for the rest of the people of God.
