Monday, December 21, 2009

More happening

Today John had more activities happening. First thing off the respiratory therapist changed his tracheostomy to a stainless steel one and the inner cannula was shorter. This really helped John as his vent kept having high pressure alarms go off. This is very annoying and a real trial when he was trying to get to sleep at night. His vent pressures dropped back to normal levels so that was nice for him. He also had physio today as well as his first shower in over a month (they did bed baths at VGH but it's not the same thing at all). All this activity and he was certainly ready for bed tonight. We are thankful that John is at GF Strong.


  1. Glad you are more comfortable, and glad you are at GF Strong and getting better. Praying God watches over you and keeps you safe.

  2. This sounds so positive and exciting!!! A shower!! that sounds refreshing! Like you said, all these changes will certainly be cause for a restful nights sleep.

    Gerry and I wish you happy moments and a peaceful Christmas with Laverne and any of your family and friends who are visiting.

    We continue to keep you in our prayers John, that God will keep you well and you continue to gain more strength.

    We will email you again when we return to P/R after the 27th..

    Take care, Love and God bless.
    Gerry and Alma

  3. Congratulations John, I'm so happy to hear that GF Strong is such a positive place for you. I continue to hold you (and the family) up in prayers and think of you every day.

    My mom will be coming to town for Christmas so we'll make sure to come and see you over the holidays.

    This past week has been one full of progress and positive posts, I know it makes all of us so happy to hear that your progress is positive and that you are getting to do more and more each day.

    Love Juhli.
