Friday, December 4, 2009


Joshua 1:2 Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them... I woke up this morning thinking about many changes in my life. "My Moses" had died. Up until now I had maintained the desire and possibility of being my own boss, doing great things for God, praising him for the brilliance God had given me. Over the past few weeks I came to realize I was spinning my wheels going nowhere and yet so distracted I could not come to grips with my injury or with God. Today Laverne and I met with a couple of staff at VGH trying to work out an overall plan for my health in here and getting back to GF Strong for more rehab. Today we were reading through
Joshua 1,2 and I realized that a change as big as this physically means a change spiritually as well. I was very impressed with how Laverne handled the clinical side of things. Reading Joshua I was also impressed with him. Here was a fellow in his 80's who had always been the servant of Moses and now he was being asked to lead the people. Over the next few weeks I hope we can look at how the power of God is used in this man.
Chapters1&2 Joshua was ready for the challenge


  1. You may not be walking but you are still inspiring everyone who know you with the strength of your faith and your positive attitude.

    You and Laverne's courage and dignity are remarkable. You may not be walking but you are still leading the way.

    The family in Trail

  2. John and Laverne, you are doing great things for God, as you have been since long before I knew either of you. But strangely enough, since you've had your accident, your 'mission field' has grown considerably. I pray that the medical team at VGH can quickly determine the cause of and treatment for your infections and fevers. And for peace and patience for you both as wait on the Lord.
