Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Back at GF Strong

When I left John today he was ensconced back in rm 236 at GF Strong, exactly the room where he was before. He didn't make it there until 2:30 so tomorrow it will be mostly orientation. He will have a new physio therapist, occupational therapist, etc. Right now he is pretty tired. Please pray that he will have the strength to keep up with all that he needs to do tomorrow. We are so grateful for all your prayers and it is certainly a gift to us that he is back at GF Strong.


  1. Yeah! It is wonderful to see his progress!

    The family in Trail

  2. Praise the Lord...what a beautiful blessing. I have a little story for you...I was out for Chinese lunch last Sunday when Bill and Laura together with my old friend Bed Ogden came by to say hello and update on you a little.

    My history with your in-laws goes back to when I was four years old...when we moved here from Richmond...and I went off to the Sunday School they had begun in the old Stillwater Hall. Mr. Ogden always likes to introduce me to others by saying, "We went to school together." They look shocked, he looks to me for confirmation and I have to agree that yes, we went to school together. Well, as it was, he was the school bus driver. And I remember he would park the bus at Kelley Creek at lunch time and sit and tell us Bible stories. I also remember when it was announced that he wasn't allowed to do that anymore...as a youngster I was pretty shocked, and couldn't understand why it was so. Some connections are lifelong!

    With love and prayers, and great thankfulness and excitement at this latest development for you!
    Deb W and family.

  3. Awesome! And praise our awesome God!
    Chris and Robin

  4. it is neat to look back and see what kind of influence certain people have had in our lives. I have stories too of people that told me about the Lord, or just some bible stories that were just wonderful to listen to. I was not a believer just yet,but whas so drawn to what it felt like and I know that the Lord used these people, that just did what they did because they loved Him and wanted to spread that love around.
    Thank you Deb for sharing your story and reminding me of some of mine.

    That also reminds me of the influence of John and Laverne on the lives of my children, where they just did what they did best and it spreads. That is how the Lord uses us, and I continue to pray for you John and Laverne, for strength and a purpose, God will show you and lead you and use you as He sees fit, even in GF Strong and the people that you have to deal with there.

    Wishing you well in the coming days

  5. Thank God for you, for the move back to GF Strong...and our love and prayers are with you All
    Love Don and Alexa
