As anyone who has travelled with John would know, the Minister's Cat is his favourite game for car trips. And, if you have ever played this game with him, you will know that his superior vocabulary makes him an expert. To play, one person starts by using a descriptive word to describe the 'minister's cat' beginning with a-z. This blog is dedicated to John, in order to update friends and family about his journey and provide areas of prayer.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Today John worked on doing his left turns. It is such a mundane thing to do but takes a lot of patience and practice. Today he was able to make a couple of sharp left turns as well as smaller ones before he was too tired. He also was able to maneuver himself out of his room by himself and I have no idea how he managed because it is narrow and very tricky. In the afternoon they had a New Year's Eve Party - Midnight in Scotland! In the evening he had a shower and watched the Canada/USA hockey game. After that family came and we shared some time together. For those visiting I want to let you know on Monday, Jan. 4 John has an afternoon appointment and won't be in until later afternoon.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Day by Day
Today I spent some time on how I might be able to operate my computer and then some practice with driving my wheelchair. Nothing spectacular but it reminded me of the song Day by day, and with each passing moment, Strength I find to meet my trials here; Trusting in my Father's wise bestowment, I've no cause for worry or for fear. It seems to me that the Christian life is made up of many days doing the common everyday things and occasionally having moments that are exceptional and draw attention to our Christian commitment. Let's not forget the importance of day by day living for Christ whether anybody is watching or not.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Left turns
Yahoo! Today I managed to turn a sharp left with my wheelchair. This has eluded me in the past but today I was successful. I know I used the verse a few days ago but Phil 4:13 -I can do all things through Him who gives me strength - seems appropriate. It amazes me how something I was sure I couldn't do I can now do. The next thing to pray for is that I can do well enough to be an independent wheelchair driver. This is harder than getting my drivers licence!
Monday, December 28, 2009
The Time Between
In the story about Lazarus there was a gap of two days - John 11:6 Yet when he heard that Lazarus was sick he stayed where he was two more days. In my story at GF Strong the time between Christmas and New Years has a similar gap. Many staff are on holidays and not much programming is done. The care is excellent and I am getting better every day. After New years I will be learning how to do things I used to do but now I will do in a different way. I have to learn how to use my wheelchair, operate my computer and take care of myself (with Laverne's help). In addition I am trying to get stronger so on Feb 4 I can have the surgery for the diaphragmatic pacer. Jesus' delay in coming to Lazarus reminds me that God's timing is to bring him glory and I shouldn't begrudge the rest between Christmas and New Years
Sunday, December 27, 2009
God's Faithfulness
This morning the focus at the church I went to was how God has worked in the past year. One of the songs we sang was "Great is thy Faithfulness". It was hard to sing this song as I thought about what has happened over the past few months. Then when I got to GF Strong the nurses were bagging John as something had gone wrong with the ventilator (the tubing had come disconnected but it took some time before they figured out where it was disconnected). It wasn't until I was looking back at the situation that I realized again just how faithful God has been to us, walking every step of the way with us.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Yesterday Laverne updated you on the family things that went on for Christmas. For me one of the best things was when I had CBC radio on in the morning I listened to "The Messiah" The phase that struck me was Isa. 40:4 every valley shall be exalted... and the rough places (made) plain. This seems appropriate to me as someone who will have to be in a wheelchair from now on and it also brings into focus the sovereignty of God in our lives. I went much encouraged into the family time and especially enjoyed the carol sing. It was a good day, too as I felt that my rehab is not an impossibility because "I can do everything through him who gives me strength" Phil. 4:13
Friday, December 25, 2009
This afternoon we had a party at GF Strong with John and family and friends. A good time was had by all. The young people brought along their WII, as well there is a games room with pool, ping pong, air hockey and pinball so there was lots to do and food to eat. The games room is by the gym so John went and did some more driving and is starting to get his left turns although it is going to require lots of practice. We finished with a carol sing-a great way to end. We are truly blessed with family and friends.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
A Good and Perfect Gift
Today we were reminded of James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights... John's doctor came and told him that there is a surgery date for his diaphragmatic pacer. It is the first week in February provided he is healthy. We are very excited. Pray that John will remain healthy for that surgery.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Today I brought a ceramic Christmas Tree in for John's room. Also thanks for all those who have sent Christmas cards. He also has his poster from Kids Club up on the wall where he can see it. Today he met with the occupational therapist and he will be meeting with her and the fellow who works with computers tomorrow. John has been pretty fatigued the past few days which is pretty normal but he feels like he should be doing more and just can't. Please pray that he will have patience with his body and also that his strength will be renewed.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Today we booked a room to celebrate Christmas afternoon with family and friends. This is so great as I wondered how we would fit everyone in if we were at VGH. John's stamina keeps improving each day and his appetite is better as well. I am very thankful for this. By the time the holidays are over and all the staff back at work he will be up for doing more as well. God has perfect timing!
Monday, December 21, 2009
More happening
Today John had more activities happening. First thing off the respiratory therapist changed his tracheostomy to a stainless steel one and the inner cannula was shorter. This really helped John as his vent kept having high pressure alarms go off. This is very annoying and a real trial when he was trying to get to sleep at night. His vent pressures dropped back to normal levels so that was nice for him. He also had physio today as well as his first shower in over a month (they did bed baths at VGH but it's not the same thing at all). All this activity and he was certainly ready for bed tonight. We are thankful that John is at GF Strong.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A Quiet Day
Today being Sunday was a quiet day as far as therapy is concerned. My sister and family all visited John and he had to show them how he could drive his wheelchair. He has managed a couple of slight left turns but not on a consistent basis. Hopefully by the end of the week he will have managed that. He can sure do a sharp right turn. The wheel chair is big but he has it making a very tight right hand turn. John's brother Robin also came down to see John today and that was a big event for John. He remains tired but he is up and about and doing more than he has for some time so I guess he should be tired. Pray that we will continue to look to God for our strength.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Make the Most of Your Time
Today is Saturday and not scheduled therapy happens but Laverne and I went down to the gym and I began practicing driving the wheelchair. There is forwards, stop/backwards, right and left. I have mastered all the moves except turning left. We had the gym to ourselves and practiced for 30 minutes. I didn't have to do it but following the principle of Eph. 5:15, 16 Be very careful then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity. Later on Katie came and I practiced some more. This left turn has got me going. Please pray that I will be able to master the left turn
Friday, December 18, 2009
GF Strong, A Plan for the Future
Today we talked with the social worker. She talked about what was available for when we go home although I am sure it will be several months before I can travel there. What I see is that we must live in the moment (today) but look forward to the future and what God has for us. We hope sometime in 2010 to move back to Powell River and occupy our house (the barn) but right now we have to learn many things before we get there.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Life at GF Strong
Life at GF Strong so far has been fairly quiet for John. It is probably a good thing that he arrived just before Christmas as he is not up to doing a lot. He is quite up for visitors but if nothing is happening then he tires very fast. He has met his new physiotherapist and today did a few exercises with her and promises of more tomorrow. He has not yet met his occupational therapist which is just as well as I am sure she would want him to start practicing to drive his wheel chair and he isn't really up to that yet-besides I need the practice. It is a good thing John doesn't get carsick is all that I can say! Please especially pray for John and his tiredness, as well he has a poor appetite these days.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sharing the Joy
We had expected that I would not get back to GF Strong until January but a bed opened up and yesterday I moved into the bed I had before. This morning they brought my wheelchair from VGH and the technicians here got it back to full working order. As I was getting into it Gerry and Alma came and we were able to share stories of Kelly Creek Community Church and Kids Club and my joy at being back in rehab. I realized God does not want joy to be kept to oneself but to be shared. In the sharing the joy just gets bigger and bigger. thanks you Lord for getting me here to GF Strong and having Gerry and Alma to share this with.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Back at GF Strong
When I left John today he was ensconced back in rm 236 at GF Strong, exactly the room where he was before. He didn't make it there until 2:30 so tomorrow it will be mostly orientation. He will have a new physio therapist, occupational therapist, etc. Right now he is pretty tired. Please pray that he will have the strength to keep up with all that he needs to do tomorrow. We are so grateful for all your prayers and it is certainly a gift to us that he is back at GF Strong.
Monday, December 14, 2009
News Flash
John's Doctor from GF Strong just came by and said they have rearranged beds and John will go back to GF Strong tomorrow morning. Thank you for all your prayers. He will be on the second floor.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
It's never over until it's over
In Joshua 8 the Israelites and Joshua went up against Ai for the second time and this time were able to defeat it. The parallel in my life is I will be going back to GF Strong (soon I hope) Please pray with me that I will be able to get rehab done and get back to Powell River. God is teaching me to be a patient patient. Also pray for Kelly Creek Community Church as they prepare for a new year.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I have been in GF Strong twice and each time some infection has caused me to go back to VGH. This reminds me of the story of Achan in Joshua 7. In order for Israel to advance they needed purity in the camp. In order for me to have rehab I have to be free of infection. The consequences were drastic for Achan and his family and for me to sit in VGH unable to do much rehab seems drastic, too. GF Strong won't have a bed for me until January. Please pray my healing will be complete and I will be ready to more on in my rehab. Thank you for all your prayers. You have no idea how much they mean to me.
Friday, December 11, 2009
In It For The Long Haul
Yesterday's conference cleared up several points, particularly that the IV antibiotics would not finish until December 19. Also there has been damage to my kidneys which they feel may be permanent. Today was quieter. Laverne broke a tooth and went to Katie's dentist to get it looked at. In the meantime I was visited by Dave Rogers an old Navigator friend who was very encouraging. What struck me about these two days is that they illustrate Romans 8:28. It may seem dark but God works for the good of those who love him. Today we also heard there will not be a bed available in GF Strong until January. On the other hand we are going to be visited by the computer tech for GF Strong next week to set up my computer for me. Please pray that we will live in the light of Romans 8:28
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Hurray! I can swallow!
Something most of us don't think about is swallowing. The danger after an injury like mine is that you will swallow into your lungs and cause all kinds of problems and infection. Today I was tested on my swallowing and I could watch on the x-ray screen as the food went down and skipped over the trachea (windpipe) and went down the esophagus into the stomach. There were a few tense moments when some food was in the top of the trachea but the next swallow moved it into the esophagus. All this is to say that they now have it in black and white that I do a good job in swallowing my food and that it goes where it is supposed to go.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Conference Tomorrow
These past few days have been busy ones for John as the medical team prepares for a family conference with us tomorrow. Today he was able to not only get up in his wheelchair but left his room with the RT and was able to go and make a phone call. This is the first day for a couple of weeks that he has been on room air rather than oxygen so progress is being made. Right now John has some impaired kidney function. Would you pray with us that this could be resolved and not permanent? Also pray the there would be clear communication at the conference tomorrow and we would understand what we are being told. Thank you for all your prayers-Laverne
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
A Step of Faith
Lesson from Joshua 6:7 All too often I want to see results before I put in any effort. Right now I am anxious to get back to GF Strong but up until now I have just been waiting to follow rather than stepping out to make a way for myself. I feel that even as I begin to work to get back to GF Strong I am still FROG - fully relying on God. Just as in this chapter the destruction of Jericho was obviously a work of God but the people had to put their armed guard out ahead of the ark and a few days earlier the Jordan River did not back up until the priests put their feet into the water so pray with me that I will be proactive in getting back to GF Strong and will maintain a stance of FROG.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Step by Step
Today I feel a lot like Joshua in Chapter 5. He had already began walking with the Lord step by step over the Jordan River (Chapter 4) and I have been taken step by step as directed by the medical team. But now in Chapter 5 Joshua meet the captain of the Lord's host who explains he isn't conforming to anyone but if Joshua he can choose if he wants to go with God. Laverne and I have requested a family meeting with the doctors and other caregivers. Please pray (as it should be this week) that we would have clarity as to the goals and means of reaching them. May we obtain understanding and cooperation so we can go forward and I can get the ball rolling. We want to be like Joshua and choose to go with God's plan for us.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Stones from the River
Joshua 4:6,7 ...When your children ask in time to come "What do those stones mean to you?" Then you shall tell them... So these stones shall be to the people of Israel a memorial forever. In the story of Joshua 4 the Israelites took 12 stones from the river to create a memorial. They had never seen such a thing and Joshua told them it was so when their children asked they could tell them the story of coming to the promised land. Some of the memorials of my accident are 1. since I was injured so badly I have to be FROG 2. the blog encourages me to be open about my Christian life 3. a serious injury like this draws a family together and helps us realize God in really in charge. I have shared a few "stones" from the accident and I wonder if you would like to share significant "stones" in your life. If so please do and continue to pray for our family especially as we approach the celebration of Christ's birth.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
FROG again
Joshua 3:7 The Lord said to Joshua, "Today I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you." This morning I woke up wondering what God had in store for me. In fact I had begun to wonder if their was anything he wanted from me. No, it wasn't standing in the footsteps of Moses and leading a great people but instead it was discovering my limitations and my continual need to be F.R.O.G.-fully relying on God.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Joshua 1:2 Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them... I woke up this morning thinking about many changes in my life. "My Moses" had died. Up until now I had maintained the desire and possibility of being my own boss, doing great things for God, praising him for the brilliance God had given me. Over the past few weeks I came to realize I was spinning my wheels going nowhere and yet so distracted I could not come to grips with my injury or with God. Today Laverne and I met with a couple of staff at VGH trying to work out an overall plan for my health in here and getting back to GF Strong for more rehab. Today we were reading through
Joshua 1,2 and I realized that a change as big as this physically means a change spiritually as well. I was very impressed with how Laverne handled the clinical side of things. Reading Joshua I was also impressed with him. Here was a fellow in his 80's who had always been the servant of Moses and now he was being asked to lead the people. Over the next few weeks I hope we can look at how the power of God is used in this man.
Chapters1&2 Joshua was ready for the challenge
Joshua 1,2 and I realized that a change as big as this physically means a change spiritually as well. I was very impressed with how Laverne handled the clinical side of things. Reading Joshua I was also impressed with him. Here was a fellow in his 80's who had always been the servant of Moses and now he was being asked to lead the people. Over the next few weeks I hope we can look at how the power of God is used in this man.
Chapters1&2 Joshua was ready for the challenge
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Another infection
Joshua 1:5 As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you, nor forsake you. This morning I awoke feeling very well. I also realized how completely dependent on others I am to get things done. I could not turn on my radio or move to look out the other side of the bed. To me this speaks of Moses set aside and Joshua being called to lead the people. Somehow I never felt that Moses was upset with this change-after all Joshua's experience of God came as he stood at Moses side or waited on Moses as he met with God. For me there seems to be one setback after another in the "getting better" plan for myself. I was hoping to get back to GF Strong next week but there is another infection which will prevent this. Please pray with us that we will remember the verse for today-I will never leave you, nor forsake you.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Another fever
The past few days John has gradually been more awake and feeling better. This is an encouragement to both of us. This morning he had another fever so they did more tests and a chest x-ray which didn't turn out so good. They want to see if he can shake this without any antibiotic so we would really appreciate your prayers specifically for his chest. Today we were thinking about windows and that led us to read about Noah and the window in the ark. We were thinking about the faith Noah had to open the window and let the birds go. We need to have the faith of Noah as well.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
2 Timothy 1:5 I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded now loves in you also. I woke up this morning and I was lying the way my mother taught me was the right way to go to sleep. This is the first time I can remember waking up that way since I have been here. That is a small thing, the other thing when I woke up with was the words of Psalm 100 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. I memorized this psalm at vacation Bible school when I was about 10. Is just seemed it was the perfect way to get back to backs, basics of my parents teachings, Bible teaching, Sunday School and the basics Laverne and I set for ourselves since my accident of Proverbs 3:5,6. I am reminded of a chorus, "read your Bible, pray everyday and you'll grow, grow, grow. It's one thing to be a Christian and another to be a growing Christian.
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