Saturday, February 13, 2010

Taking off the training wheels

One thing I haven't commented on in the blog is what happens at night. Originally I was turned from one side to the other every 3 hours. This was to stop secretions from gathering in one place in my lungs and to protect my skin from pressure sores. Two weeks ago the OT said we should start reducing the number of turns I needed in the night. At first it was reduced to 2 times, then 1 and now I get turned only if I want. This is so it will be easier when I get home, so people won't have to wake up in the night. This is done while in GF Strong so it is controlled and careful observation can be made of my skin. I think I might have to have more turns at night as I am having to have lots of suctions in the day. Please pray that the suctions get under control and I will be able to reduce the night turns without increasing the difficulty of suctioning during the day.


  1. Hi all:

    Yes, of course we will pray. YOu want to get sleep just as much as you want your family to have a restful night.

    LaVerne how is your cough?

    Praying for the both of you.

  2. Thank you for sharing this with us John. We will pray you get the rest you need..There are so many things to decide..when is the best time for suctioning day or night!!! then the turns, how many how few and when... It is very busy for you and tiring...

    God bless you and Laverne,we hope she is feeling better.
