Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Today John went to the cardiologist. He has a very slow heart rate and the doctors at GF Strong were concerned about this. He had various tests and so we went to hear the verdict from the specialist. We were quite happy to hear the tests they did show his heart is doing well-it is just slow, but empties well etc. He also said there is no need for a heart pacemaker which is what the doctor at GF Strong was wondering. We are thankful that things are good just the way they are.


  1. sometimes we forget that we are individuals and one body is not the same as another. So when a person's body does not work the way the "average" person's body works, we think there is something wrong. I am glad that God knows we are individuals and deals with us as such.

    I am glad that John's heart is doing just fine, but then God already knew that John's heart was in the right place and doing the right thing :)

    We continue to pray for you all

  2. Mind you, *if* you ever get the the point of needing to boost a body part, a pacemaker is a nice kind of boost. The operation is minor, the recovery is instant, and the prognosis is life with more horsepower under the hood.

    So if they ever decide to recommend a pacemaker, don't fret.
