Sunday, February 14, 2010


Sunday is always a day when it is easy to count my blessings. This week the results of John's blood work came back and his kidney function is pretty well back to normal. His turns are decreased and it is not bothering his skin - another big thing to praise God for. The demonstration chair is much easier for him to drive so he wants to practice more and he is going to get extra practice with the OT assistant. Although he has required extra suctioning the sputum is not coloured (he doesn't have an infection). My cough didn't last and finally John has had unexpected visitors - some who we never knew before.


  1. Praise! Love you both...
    Deb and family

  2. So glad to hear of your successes, will continue to pray that the sputum stays good and the suctioning is needed less and less
    with love
    Don and Alexa

  3. Good news all the way around with many wonderful blessings!!!
    God has his hand on you both...


  4. Hopefully with fewer turns at night you will awake feeling well rested John. Glad to hear your cough is improved too Laverne.
    God is good, praise Him
