Sunday, February 28, 2010


Phil 2:20  I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare.  Plans are proceding for my return to PR.  A high point is that a good friend is going to be my case manager.  There is something I would like you to pray for when I come home-good caregivers.  I've talked to several people at GF Strong and they stress that my caregivers will be really important to the success of my return to living at home.  We've begun discussing this my my transition team.  Pray that we will choose people who will care about my needs and be teachable and I will be able to convey my needs to them.

1 comment:

  1. Praying that everything works and works well, and that your homecoming is a happy one. Read your post yesterday and thought it was awesome. I remember reading it when the word love was charity and it is still one of my most favorite. The love that you have for others and also that they have for you and your family I know will make your homecoming a wonderful one. Hugs
    Alexa and Don
