Thursday, January 14, 2010


Today John was quite sleepy. There were a few things contributing to this. One was that he didn't sleep all that well as he had to have some vigorous suctioning. Then again during the day he needed more suctioning and that takes a lot out of him. The third thing is that they upped his medication for spasms as he is on a very minimal dose but he is affected so much it has to be done very slowly. Please continue to pray for John that he would remain healthy especially before his surgery next month. Right now he seems to be having more secretions in his lungs.


  1. It seems like 1 step forward and 2 steps back...sorry John to hear you are not feeling so well today. We understand the suctioning must tire you out immensely. We pray that God will continue to give you strength to overcome all these road blocks that come up in your daily progress.

    You and Laverne are always on our minds and I know there are many sending up their prayers.


  2. What am I saying?? I meant 2 steps forward and one back...duh!!!! A..
