Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Last week I met with the computer expert. He set me up with a program that lets me use Morse code using sip and puff. This allows me to input the alphabet and numbers as well as use keyboard commands and the mouse. I can already open programs by myself and am gaining skill in typing documents. Soon I'll be able to use my computer and unlock the knowledge of the internet. This will not give wisdom which comes from God. Pray the I will use the knowledge in a wise way. Proverbs 24:5 A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases in strength.


  1. Dave R informed me of your accident around New Years. To say the least we were shocked. I have been reviewing your past blog entries and have been amazed by your resolute faith in Father and by the number of family and friends who are praying for you and supporting you.

    Please be assured of our prayers for both you and Laverne.

    Yes we can use our abilities and skills to obtain knowledge (not a bad thing), but it is good to know that God is more than willing to give us the wisdom we need, when we need it - all we need do is ask (James 1:5). And He doesn't resent our asking.

    Ed Erzinger

  2. John,

    This is so exciting, just the thing you like to do, work on the computer. I must say, even with learning Morse code and using sips and puffs, I figure you will be able to use it better than most.. (speaking for myself of course) :)

    God bless you John as you work at it diligently and we pray it comes to you naturally.

    We are so proud of you, how you have withstood the challenge of having to learn all these new things.

    Peace and compfort to you and Laverne...

  3. hi john... I'm still chuckling over your comment about the wall coming towards you and you trying to remember whether you are suppose to suck or blow on the straw to turn... I remember feeling the same way when I attempted (ONLY ONCE!) to ride a minibike... needless to say I ended up in the ditch!

    keep up the great work! blessings to both you and laverne... sharon and gang
