Monday, January 25, 2010

Another visit to VGH

Yesterday morning the doctor at GF Strong decided my secretions were overwhelming and I should go to VGH so off I went. Emergency was beautiful this time compared to the last time. The noises were bearable and the staff very helpful and we only stayed overnight there because the Respirologist decided we should move to the 12th floor and undergo observation. He said I would be there a day or two and staying in the hospital allows for chest x-rays and other tests. I am in the same room I spent over a month in before Christmas. It was a surprise to find my nurse the same as when I left 12th floor. He had been on vacation and had just come back. The saying man's disappointment is God's appointment applies to my attitude to being at VGH. It mirrors what Joseph said in Genesis 50:19 You intended to do me harm, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done. Please pray the my congestion clear up so I can get back to learning to drive that cranky wheelchair and operating my computer with Morse code.


  1. John,

    What a drag having to go back to VGH....We hope the next few days will see you back at GF Strong and taking on that wheelchair again. :)

    Keeping you in our to you both.

  2. Hi John and Laverne

    I love the way that your faith is a living faith. Seeing God in every situation and in every story.
    You are an inspiration to us all.
    I pray that the staff at VGH sees your faith which leads to the Lord.
    You are in such good Hands

  3. Praying for you cousin, funny today actually woke up praying...know you can do will beat this obstacle too and get back to your computer love to you all

