Thursday, January 21, 2010

Many Counsellors

Today was our first family/team meeting at GF Strong. At this meeting we clarified some of my goals to accomplish before I go home. This gives me a sense of direction and a purpose of what I want to accomplish. Before this I felt somewhat like the Israelites wandering around in the desert, not sure what I was trying to do. In addition a discharge date was discussed, so I know when I will tentatively be getting out and coming home. The date is May 3 so it looks like I will be home for my birthday. The meeting was with Laverne and me and Marsha representing the family and 7 reps from different areas of care. This brought to mind Proverbs 15:22 Plans fail for lack of counsel but with many advisers they succeed. At the close of the meeting each area was given something to do. Pray that we will all get our tasks done for the next meeting in a month's time.


  1. Good morning John and family.

    A due date!!!!! How exciting is this. You must be over the moon. Thank you Jesus.

    HOME. Such a blessed word. HE is our home and then HE blesses us some more in letting us have an earthly dwelling.

    My goodness.... we are such winners.

    Right on John!!!!

  2. Being at home for your birthday will be wonderful. I'm sure you and Laverne will meet the goals set for your next meeting.

    Aunt Sheila and the family in Trail

  3. The minister's cat is a jubilant cat. Wow...that's such fabulous news! Praise the Lord...a specific tangible wonderful for you all! It is reassuring to have direction...SOOOOO excited for you!
    Love and prayers,
    Deb W and family

  4. This is good news John! We are very happy to read brought joy go our hearts!!!
    God hears our prayers and answers them one at a time.... We miss you both..

    We are getting ready for the first Kids Club of the new year..the sign is up!! We pray for lots of smiling faces to come and join us...

    Take and prayers..

  5. Wow!!! A tentative date makes your going home plans so real and imminent. I'm so happy for you both. You are in my prayers for healthy days as your surgery approaches. Take care, look forward to seeing you in May!
