Sunday, January 31, 2010

God is with us no matter what

Today being Sunday after church the pastor, Ian at the church I go to came and had communion with John and I at GF Strong. Today we went downstairs to the prayer room to share this time together. Before we did that however John wanted a precis of today's sermon. It was on God is with us in our high's and low's - in our family, in our work, and in our community from the story of Joseph. This is certainly been our experience in the last 5 months. Pray that we won't forget this important lesson.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Encouraging one another

Hebrews 10:24,25 Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together ...but let us encourage one another...Today was an "off" day but while I was watching the Canucks win against Toronto some friends from Vancouver came to visit. We had been in university together and memorized the above verse. Nan and Alex visited me and encouraged me and even spurred me to love. Rather than stay at home they came and visited me. This verse always reminds me that good relations with other Christians requires work. As I watched the hockey game this same thing applies. To win requires effort not just at the beginning (when Toronto scored 3 goals but right to the end when Vancouver ended up scoring 5 goals

Friday, January 29, 2010

One tired puppy

Today was a day of getting back into the routine of things at GF Strong. John got up in his wheelchair for the first time in 6 days. We saw the OT and she discussed the kind of bed he would need and what there was. Lunch in the day room was met with lots of good wishes from all the patients who had missed John. After lunch he was measured for his own power chair as well as adjustments were made to the chair he is in now. All this was pretty exhausting for John so immediately after supper he went to bed. Now that it is the weekend there won't be any therapy except what he chooses to do and he can adjust to being up in the wheelchair all day.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Surprised by God

Thanks for all your prayers. John is back at GF Strong and feeling better than he did. As I left him this evening he was just finishing up a massage with a massage therapy student and her instructor so he was definitely being well taken care of. This hospital stay had made both John and I very anxious about whether he would be up for his pacer surgery but without us even knowing our heavenly Father took care of that. There was no surgical space available so surgery is postponed until they can get an operating theatre. This relieves us immensely as it gives John time to be in better shape. Isn't God so good answering our concerns in ways we haven't considered!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

All Our Needs

I awoke this morning and things had changed thorough the night. I had been put back on oxygen and I wondered again when I would be released to go back to GF Strong. Ever since my accident I have had to have my breathing supplied, first by Laverne then the first responders and ambulance and when I got to the hospital by a ventilator. Last night my oxygen saturation levels began doing a dance. Normally they should be in the 90 percents preferably the high 90's but for some reason they were dropping into the 80's. As I was thinking how to put this in the blog I was reminded of a verse I memorized when I was at UBC. Phil 4:19 and my God will meet all our needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Please pray that my heavenly Father will sort this all out.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Infection Again

Today John's kidney function decreased indicating a kidney infection. This means he is on antibiotics again. He is resting and getting good care in the hospital. Pray that we will have the wisdom to know when he should be resting and when he should be working so he doesn't lose all the gains he made at GF Strong. Proverbs 3:5,6 springs to mind-Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Another visit to VGH

Yesterday morning the doctor at GF Strong decided my secretions were overwhelming and I should go to VGH so off I went. Emergency was beautiful this time compared to the last time. The noises were bearable and the staff very helpful and we only stayed overnight there because the Respirologist decided we should move to the 12th floor and undergo observation. He said I would be there a day or two and staying in the hospital allows for chest x-rays and other tests. I am in the same room I spent over a month in before Christmas. It was a surprise to find my nurse the same as when I left 12th floor. He had been on vacation and had just come back. The saying man's disappointment is God's appointment applies to my attitude to being at VGH. It mirrors what Joseph said in Genesis 50:19 You intended to do me harm, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done. Please pray the my congestion clear up so I can get back to learning to drive that cranky wheelchair and operating my computer with Morse code.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The minister's cat is a remembering cat

Today is Saturday and I have time to remember. Before the accident I was very busy about many things but now I have time to spend thinking abut my relationship with people and Jesus. I realize that I am like the church mentioned in Revelation 2:3-5. Now that I've restrictions on what I do I've had time to renew my relationship with Jesus especially on Saturday and Sunday when the pace in here slows down. Pray that my relationship will return to what it was at the beginning-that I will not "forsake my first love" Rev. 2:4.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Minister's cat is a busy cat

Today I had 4 scheduled activities and now as I write this I am really tired. I look forward to a good night's sleep. I find that being physically active leads to being able to rest well. I'm reminded of Jesus calling his disciples aside to rest for awhile. Then they fed 5,00 and encountered a storm. I wonder what I would do if I were in the same circumstances. All I know is this week has left me ready to enjoy the rest I find on the weekend. Pray that I will find time for practice with the computer and the wheelchair. A verse for me is Phil. 4:13 I can do all things through him who gives me strength.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Many Counsellors

Today was our first family/team meeting at GF Strong. At this meeting we clarified some of my goals to accomplish before I go home. This gives me a sense of direction and a purpose of what I want to accomplish. Before this I felt somewhat like the Israelites wandering around in the desert, not sure what I was trying to do. In addition a discharge date was discussed, so I know when I will tentatively be getting out and coming home. The date is May 3 so it looks like I will be home for my birthday. The meeting was with Laverne and me and Marsha representing the family and 7 reps from different areas of care. This brought to mind Proverbs 15:22 Plans fail for lack of counsel but with many advisers they succeed. At the close of the meeting each area was given something to do. Pray that we will all get our tasks done for the next meeting in a month's time.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The minister's cat is a meek cat

Over the past couple of days my voice has deteriorated. Then I read Matthew 12: 18-20 where Isaiah is quoted referring to Jesus. It says his voice will not be heard meaning he won't argue or shout but speak to those who want to hear. I would like to speak to some of the patients and nurses at GF Strong but have not yet found an opportunity. Please pray that I will find occasions to share my faith. Also pray my voice will return strong.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Last week I met with the computer expert. He set me up with a program that lets me use Morse code using sip and puff. This allows me to input the alphabet and numbers as well as use keyboard commands and the mouse. I can already open programs by myself and am gaining skill in typing documents. Soon I'll be able to use my computer and unlock the knowledge of the internet. This will not give wisdom which comes from God. Pray the I will use the knowledge in a wise way. Proverbs 24:5 A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases in strength.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Minister's cat is a cat on wheels

Today Laverne and I met with a sales rep dealing with equipment and especially wheelchair equipment. There is so much information to figure out just what will be best for me in terms of chairs. Later on we went to the wheelchair shop here to get my chair adjusted-slowed down a bit actually. Sometimes I just can't keep up with it and when it heads for the wall too fast I can't remember if I am to sip or puff fast enough for it to stop. This all made me realize that my means of getting around from now on is not my feet but wheels. I was reminded of the song Ezekiel saw the wheel, Way up in the middle of the air. And the big wheel run by faith and the little wheel run by the grace of God

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Minister's cat is a caring cat

Over the past few days the earthquake in Haiti has helped me remember there is a whole world out there. When I am dealing with my spinal cord injury it is easy to think only of myself but I need to be awakened to what's going on outside. I watched the BBC news and saw the devastation in Haiti. I don't know what I can do but pray for the people of that country. this morning I heard the Governor-General's address to out country and I am glad that Canada is caring for the survivors. The Canadian school children who were there came from 15 miles from my home town. I'm reminded of Jesus when he said if we give a cup of cold water to one who has none we give it to him. Matthew 25:35-40

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Minister's cat is a restful cat

Today, Saturday has been a day of rest for me. Aside from a lot of suctioning I didn't do much today. Between meals I rested and read up on spinal cord injuries. I went to do my physio and they hadn't left the mirror out this weekend, then the gym was full of people so I couldn't practice my driving. It is a day of recuperation.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Minister's cat is a precarious cat

Having a spinal cord injury enables me to understand 1 Peter 1:24-25 All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever. These past two days I have had increased secretions which block my breathing and necessitate suctions to restore easier breathing. I have now opted to have frequent suctions. In the day it means returning to my room to get "cleaned out" and at night being wakened every three hours to have a suction. The nurse usually says just one more and it is 3-5 times down consequently I am very tired and take frequent (ministers) cat naps!Two of Laverne's cousins, Barbara and Joan visited yesterday and Barbara made us a quilted hanging of the minister's cat so now there is a minister's cat residing in my room. Please pray that I won't get any infections so that I am healthy for the diaphragm pacer which means I won't need a ventilator. I think of all of you often and look forward to the day I can come home and see you.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Today John was quite sleepy. There were a few things contributing to this. One was that he didn't sleep all that well as he had to have some vigorous suctioning. Then again during the day he needed more suctioning and that takes a lot out of him. The third thing is that they upped his medication for spasms as he is on a very minimal dose but he is affected so much it has to be done very slowly. Please continue to pray for John that he would remain healthy especially before his surgery next month. Right now he seems to be having more secretions in his lungs.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Well today I did some more suctioning. I don't think John was quite so thrilled. Trying to keep in mind everything I kind of forgot that he also has to get some air at some point and suctioned him a little longer in one go than he really liked-and I was really getting the technique down too! He told me he was like a new car and had ABS -anything but suctioning. Oh well he has a break from me now as the RT only works Monday-Wednesday. We can begin again next Monday. Today John had another session on the computer. Tomorrow the assistive technologist is going to set up John's computer with sip and puff Morse code - he tried it on the hospital computer today. Each day now seems to have a bit more happening and John's energy is increasing to cope with each new thing that is added.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Skills

Yesterday I practiced suctioning on a dummy. Today I was expecting to suction John but before I did the RT asked me if I would put in John's new trach - it gets changed every week. I took a deep breath and said yes and of course everything went very smoothly. After that I suctioned John - he is a very accommodating and encouraging patient. After that John had some independent breathing trials. that was just our morning - no wonder he gets tired by the time supper comes!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Pray without ceasing

This morning I awoke early because I had to go to the urology clinic in the Diamond centre by VGH. Before that there was blood work and not enough time for an EKG before we left. Even with the busyness there were waiting times which were opportunities to pray. I didn't take advantage of them all but Paul's admonishment in I Thess. 5:17 gives me something to fill up my day. I used to use an agenda that I wrote things to pray about and I miss that agenda. Now I have to rely on my memory to bring forth things to pray about which doesn't work well with my poor memory for names!

Sunday, January 10, 2010


This has been a busy week for John. A great item for praise is John's kidney function has improved significantly. We are very thankful as his bloodwork had stayed the same for many weeks. Another item for prayer is that he has a blister on his heel from rubbing against the sheets. His foot in bed is now encased in two inches of foam so it won't rub on the bed. This week I start on my vent training so that we can go out by ourselves. I am looking forward to this - even if it is just to go outside and take a walk around.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Today my practicing in the gym to do left turns finally paid off. This reminds me of 2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." It doesn't come miraculously or instantaneously but practice makes perfect. Paul encouraged Timothy to study God's word and then he could use it in the right way. Similarly practicing left turns means I don't bump into the wall anymore. I have found that having to get someone to turn the page when reading the Bible means I study the page I've got more carefully rather than just skimming over. Slowing down means I study God's word rather than just read it.

Friday, January 8, 2010

THe Lesson of the Mirror

Today I went down to physio and spent most of the time looking at myself in the mirror. The idea was to get my head straight and while I was looking in the mirror I found it easier to align my head with the rest of my body. The physio held my head in position and then I practiced holding my head in position myself. It reminded me of James 1:23-25 and especially verse 25 "But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it-he will be blessed in what he does." I found when I am away from the mirror it is easy to forget what I was doing and then my head slipped back to lean to one side so I have arranged to have time each day in front of a mirror to practice what the physio has taught me. In the same way each day as I read the Bible I also want to put it into practice.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Information Overload

When I came to GF Strong they gave me a 3" binder full of information and today I got a book with similar information. The difference is that this book is much easier to read with the same information but written by people who have spinal injuries. It's more relational than theoretical. In addition we got tons of information from the social work assistant dealing with rebates and discounts for various things. All the paperwork reminded me of Eccl. 12:12 "of the making of books there is no end. When I read this I also paid attention for the first time to the previous verse which says "the words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails..." In the same way information by those who suffer the injury can be more useful. Pray I don't suffer information overload!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Meeting, meetings, meetings

Today was a day filled with appointments for John. In the morning we met with the social worker assistant and filled out many forms for different applications. After lunch he saw the physio for an hour and then the occupational therapist for almost two hours. He was pretty tired by the time that was over. In the evening he went to his first BC Paraplegic Assn meeting. It went on for an hour and a half. When that was over Marsha and Andy came and visited and John was still ready to talk-I was amazed!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bearing Good Fruit

Today I went to an education seminar . Also there was Walt, a fellow Christian who is a peer counsellor at GF Strong. He did not give the seminar but offered encouraging comments on all aspects of the topic which was bladder care. Walt is like the good tree in Matt. 7:17, bearing good fruit. The first day I met him he shared he was a Christian. Watching him as he moves around GF Strong in his wheelchair he gives encouragement to all the patients and radiates the love of Christ.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Surgery revisited

Today I visited Dr Kwon, the surgeon who fused the bones in my spine after my accident. He confirmed that the surgery went well and was successful in stabilizing my spine. Dr Kwon explained the surgery again and gave me a picture of the x-ray post surgery and the MRI from before the surgery so I saw where I was injured. This visit was my first outside GF Strong other than ambulance trips to VGH. I enjoyed the scenery outside but not the weather as it was raining. I got to practice with my chair in the lobby of the doctor's office building as it was large and clear of objects. My driving is improving each day.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Gold Medal

This weekend I have been watching the International Junior Hockey tournament. Canada has made it into the gold medal game but they don't know if they will get gold or silver. The Christian has the assurance of the gold-"to be like Jesus when we see him as he is" 1 John 3:2. Now we have the opportunity to live for him and be like him. Soon Canada will know if they get gold or silver while we know as Christians we have a gold medal to look forward to. For now I am excited to be in the game and the gold medals waits at the end!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

We need each other

Today three friends from our old church in Vancouver (that was a long time ago) came to see John. It was so good to see them and enjoy sharing remembrances and doing some catching up on things. It was especially good to be able to share just how God is blessing and encouraging us. It is amazing how God uses each of us in the lives of others. He has made us so that we need him and each other as well. We are so thankful for all those visits and cards and blog entries and prayers that you have made.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Barnabas-Son of Encouragement

When Paul started out on his mission journeys Barnabas was along for encouragement and it seemed to be his role in the Bible. It has been neat to see how God has given me that encouragement all along the way. The pastor of Cascades Gospel Chapel comes and gives me Communion every week and a major dose of encouragement. Today 2 people from Powell River came to encourage me, pray and expect God to work in my healing which is something I think about a lot but don't have much confidence about. Continue to pray God will grant healing physically and direction to my spiritual life.