Friday, May 21, 2010


How can you tell life is back to normal? Today John saw the dentist for his check-up and cleaning. They moved the dental chair out of the way and he stayed in his chair and tilted it way back so they could work on his teeth. I hovered around until he told me to go and sit in the waiting room. After we did some running around to WalMart and of course the bookstore as well as picking up root beer at A & W. If that wasn't enough for one day before he went out he had visits from some special people. It is so nice for us to see folks we haven't seen for ages and you can just pop in for a few minutes. It doesn't have to be long but it means a lot.


  1. My goodness. That was a busy busy day. Good for you guys.

    You are HOME. That is the main thing.

  2. Welcome back to Powell River and belated Happy Birthday.
    I'll see you there at the end of June. Hope to have a bible study with everyone.

    Love, Elke
