Thursday, May 6, 2010

Intermittant Breathing Trial

Yesterday I took my first breathing trial where I didn't use oxygen but room air.  I started off with oxygen and then did 4 minutes on room air for a total of 6 1/2 minutes.  It seems strange to be so excited about 6 1/2 minutes of breathing without assistance when for 60 odd years I didn't think much at all about breathing.  That said I am very pleased that I can keep going with the help of a mechanical breather.  I was exhausted by the time the trial was over but half an hour later I was convinced I could have gone another 6 minutes.  It reminds me that the Bible tell us to consider our breathing and realize every breathe we take is a gift from God - Isaiah 42:5

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations. Well done you.

    Thank you Jesus that You are the very air that we breathe. Apart from You, we can do nothing.
