Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pot Pourri

Pot Pourri
Today I started by going to UBC to get a chest x-ray. I left at 10 o'clock and got back at 1:30. When I arrived back at G. F. Strong Laverne was there and she was interviewing a caregiver. As a consequence lunch was at 3 PM then we went to see occupational therapist. I needed to get my chair adjusted. When we left the occupational therapist we ran into Laura the chaplain. She was excited about sharing the pastors conference she went to let Regent College. We also received a message from Powell River that they would like us to go to the hospital on Tuesday not Monday. This is yet to be sorted out more about it later. After supper I got set up on the Dragon software and I am now using it to dictate this blog. Pray for the many meetings we've been having and will be having in the next few days.


  1. Hi John and Laverne

    My move has come and gone. I am in my new office now and have finally put things "somewhere". Just because I am here now does not mean that all the work is done and we can relax. It means a whole new beginning and adjustments that need to be made. I have put things somewhere and then find they need to go somewhere else.

    I think your move will be something like this as well. It is not the end of all the work, but a beginning. There will be adjustments and changes. But all in all, you will be home and you can start getting into good routines and make a life here again.

    I am sure all of us are looking forward to having you back here in PR again, as I am sure you will be happy to be back.

    You both will continue to be in my prayers as time is getting shorter, and the day of the move will be here now, before you know it.

    Hope to see you here in PR soon

  2. Wow John, it's amazing how much needs to be done and how much coordination is involved to get everything in order. I feel lazy just sitting at my desk working all day :) I continue to keep you and Laverne in my prayers. I hope you're enjoying the Dragon software and that it's faster than the sip and puff method of typing. I'm glad you got out today for a bit the sunshine's beautiful!!

  3. Hi John, We have had our son Charles visiting for the week....He was in Victoria speaking at a conference so extended his time in BC by coming and visiting us.. We have enjoyed his company...

    Soon you will be here in P/R and we will be able to see you and Laverne...There will be so many people wanting to visit you, they will have to limit visitation time. It is nice you have so many friends who care about you John.

    We will also be able to see this new technology of the Dragon software...(well, new to some of us)

    Keep well, rest up for your trip.... LOL
