Thursday, May 13, 2010

Loose Ends

Today was another busy day and I have just left John in the capable hands of the massage therapy student while I write the blog. Today we nailed down the fact that we will leave early Monday morning to catch the 9:30 ferry out of Horseshoe Bay. Believe it or not they will bring a day nurse in an hour early so John will be ready to leave at 7 so we can make it through rush hour to get to the ferry in time. They also demonstrated how to do an emergency lift from his chair and how to go up and down stairs in his manual chair. We also received his chair ventilator that he will be taking with him. That was just a few of the things that happened today. Please pray that we will remain calm and able to do the many things needed in the next few days.


  1. It is wonderful news to hear that you are planning a return home to PR. The family in Trail is so pleased and Aunty Sheila is grinning ear to ear, knowing that you are so close to heading home. You both have been amazing, showing great courage and dignity since the accident. We are so blessed to know both of you.

    The family in Trail

  2. You two are awesome....and I am thankful that God will not give you more than you are able. Thank you Lord for going ahead and preparing the way home for John and Laverne. thank you that Monday they set out on a new adventure and that you are with them.....let them walk more fully than ever before in the knowing of your presence. We are so happy to see you two heading home....blessings!

    the TAnasiuks

  3. Praise the Lord...homeward must be so thrilled...I know many here are certainly thrilled that you're really going to be the flesh! Prayers for details, calm, health, love, peace...
    Deb and family
